“Far away but…”. The forecast –

Italy is in the grip of the heat. Good news for those on vacation, a little less so for those who still have to wait for their long-awaited vacation. The situation, however, could change soon. The reason? The high pressure “is retreating” and an Atlantic disturbance “is crossing Italy accompanied by relatively cooler and drier currents”. These are the words of Colonel Mario Giuliacci, who on meteogiuliacci.it has released the latest weather forecast and anticipated what weather we should expect for the next few days. Already today, temperatures have dropped “in much of the Center-South”, the expert explained.

Bad weather and rain all over Italy. But Sottocorona has some very bad news

In the central part of the week, the meteorologist assured, “further drops in temperatures are expected and, even more importantly, moderate and dry Mistral winds will blow persistently over much of the country, which will keep the heat away”. A clarification is necessary: ​​the heat will not abandon us. Temperatures will be “typically summery, with peaks of 35-36 degrees, especially in the South, but compared to last week the heat will be decidedly more bearable”, continued Giuliacci. It is advisable to mark the date of Sunday 28 July, when a “new progressive advance of high pressure” will prevail, he concluded.

#but… #forecast #Tempo
2024-07-23 09:27:57



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