Fantino’s reaction after an audio that aired in Neura and caused outrage


The channel’s host streaming Neura Media, Alejandro Fantinoreferred this Monday to a controversial event that took place during a program on Friday nightwhen a listener sent an audio that made reference to cancer and pedophilia. The moment went viral on social media and generated outrage among users, who pointed to the media and the journalist as responsible.I have no influence on the content that Tronco and his team carry out.“, he justified.

In this way, the leader of the program “Multiverso Fantino” referred to the role that the host Sergio “Tronco” Figliuolo had in the broadcast of “Neura Delayed Knight”, who was criticized because when the message was aired He reacted with laughter and asking the production to check the contents before they are published.

“I was at home on Friday and I found out on Saturday what had happened. I felt defamed by a lot of people,” Fantino said in his defense and added: “That is why starting tomorrow morning I am going to take legal action once morest all those who tarnished my good name and honor when, in reality, I had absolutely nothing to do with that aberrant, reprehensible and disgusting event.”.

He also said that the program in which the incident occurred will stop airing and that the host “will communicate what he is going to do with his life.”The person who did not properly check what can or cannot be published – because it is an aberrant thing – no longer belongs to this company.“, he explained. And he concluded: “I apologize as one of the shareholders – a minority, but a shareholder nonetheless – of this place.”

According to what he was able to find out THE NATION, “Tronco” will remain within the company as he has until now and is “evaluating which program will be aired on the channel.”

Shortly following the audio aired on Friday night, social media began to echo hundreds of criticisms of the host and the reaction he had received. The next day, in a special broadcast, Figliuolo apologized for what happened and assured that he was the only one responsible.“I am angry with what happened and I am angry with myself. We came up with the idea of ​​making a comedy show, we opened the phones and you can find anything. But the important thing is the issue of not reacting. What I managed to do in the face of that atrocity was to laugh out of my nerves,” he explained.

He added: “I am not going to act like a coward and blame those on the other side, working like dogs. When you have a program, you have to take responsibility. There are things that are not seen: I went off the air, I was in charge of deleting and checking. I am angry with myself because I might not react as I should have.” I should have cut it off, but I grabbed my head, I got really nervous, But it was not enough. We must condemn, curse, insult, get angry and say that we cannot allow this.”

At the same time, confirmed the continuity of the program, differing from what Fantino said less than 48 hours later“We will continue doing it on Fridays as we do with music, tango, we have more than 1500 emails from people who want to come. Next time I already know how I have to react and what can happen,” he said.

“I should have cut it off, but I grabbed my head, I got very nervous, but it wasn’t enough. We must condemn, curse, insult, get angry and say that we cannot allow this,” he insisted and lamented: “There are many people who must have felt upset, uncomfortable, angry, annoyed and here are our apologies.”

“Don’t attack Neura, because all the programs here are autonomous. To tarnish Neura with this is nonsense. I think what happened is outrageous. It is absolutely condemned by us“, hill.

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