Famous gay penguin Sphen has died

The gentoo penguin who became a global symbol of equality and inspiration has died of natural causes just days before his 12th birthday, the aquarium has confirmed.

According to the Guardian, the two male penguins have been in a relationship for 6 years and together they raised two chicks, Lara in 2018 and Clancy in 2020.

“The couple’s impact around the world as a symbol of equality has been immeasurable,” said Penguins manager Renee Howell, who has lived their love story from the beginning. “It’s one in a million. You really will never see this again,” he said.

In 2018, staff noticed an attraction between them when they saw them bowing to each other, a courtship pattern among gentoo penguins. Also during the breeding season they do something unique.

“We see [τους πιγκουίνους] to search along the beach, along the ice, looking for the perfect pebbles to give to their mates. They then use them to build their nest and lay their eggs there,” he adds.

In the wild, when a penguin dies, its mate goes to look for it. The manager stated that this is why the aquarium keepers felt it necessary to show Magic that Sfen had died, so that he would understand that he “wasn’t coming back again”.

“It was a very emotional moment, the place was filled with his song which was followed by the whole colony of penguins. It proved the impact that the [Σφεν] to his partner while o [Mάτζικ] he realized his partner was there. Soon after, he became protective of his partner and that was a very emotional moment for us…it was a very sweet goodbye,” he concluded.

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