Famous Faces, Fallen Facades: When Celebrity Homes Meet Demolition Day

ALSO READ: The Boss’s house is being demolished: the costs are hundreds of thousands

At the beginning of this year, the Supreme Court of Lithuania issued an unappealable ruling that the well-known businessman A.Bos will have to demolish his house in the Vilnius district. This happened because the construction permit was issued illegally by the municipality.

<img alt="Pauliaus Peleckis / BNS photo/The house of A. Bos is being demolished” rel=”content-image” src=”https://s1.15min.lt/static/cache/ODgweDU4MCwsMTA3MTYyMCxvcmlnaW5hbCwsaWQ9OTcwNjkzOCZkYXRlPTIwMjQlMkYwOCUyRjI3LDEzNjA3MjAyNTA=/griaunamas-aboso-namas-66cda0643071a.jpg” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/>

Pauliaus Peleckis / BNS photo/The house of A. Bos is being demolished

The Supreme Court of Lithuania on January 11 A. Bosui ordered the buildings to be demolished within a period of 6 months. As announced in the media, it is tentatively estimated that demolishing the residential house, granary and sauna may cost about 150 thousand. euros. And almost the entire amount – 90 percent. – should be covered by Vilnius district municipality. It is true that A.Bos is asking for more.

ALSO READ: A. Bos, who is demolishing an illegal luxury villa, retorted to the municipality: “We are asking for as much as we spent”

ALSO READ: The demolition of A.Bos’s house is a surprise for the municipality: the court has indicated that it will cover 90% of the costs. costs

A. Bos’s house is not the first building of a well-known person in Lithuania that has been decided to be demolished. It is true that not all buildings were actually demolished. 15min takes a look at the top stories.

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#Bos #demolish #house #buildings #famous #people #collapsed #Business
2024-09-05 07:42:09



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