Famous actress Maya Ali made a big demand from the government

Famous actress Maya Ali made a big demand from the government

Actress Maya Ali of Pakistan, in view of the corona virus, actress Maya Ali has requested the government to make a special arrangement for daily wage earners.

Sharing a picture of her wearing a mask on her Instagram account, she said that she had returned from America 5 days ago, where she had gone to fundraise for Shaukat Khanum. The actress said that on her return, when she reached Lahore Airport, she was very worried. They were screened at the airport and tested for Corona.

The actress said that the 2 days she waited for the test report was very painful, where she suffered from mental stress and did not sleep during that time, but the test report came after 2 days which was negative by the grace of Allah. .

Maya Ali said that this time will also pass, the restrictions imposed by the government are only for our betterment. Be careful and protect yourself while believing in God, surely God is the Greatest.

The actress said that she is also afraid for all those people who earn daily wages and now they have no source of livelihood, in this context, she requests the government of Pakistan to do something to feed these families. Also, a team should be formed to conduct free tests for young families for whom it is difficult to get tested.

The actress said that she knows that this is a very difficult time not only for Pakistan but for the entire humanity, no vaccine has been developed for the corona virus so far, so we should take care of ourselves as much as we can.

#Famous #actress #Maya #Ali #big #demand #government
2024-07-28 22:24:14



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