Famima’s “bad criticism” removes POP that was taken in the wrong direction … A voice that regrets that “there is no humor” on SNS | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

FamilyMart’s Tuna Mayo, which was criticized in “Job Tune New Year’s Day SP” (TBS series)rice ballHowever, it is a hot topic. A POP that was badly criticized was posted at some stores, but it is said that the FamilyMart headquarters ordered the removal. January 12, J-CAST News reports.

“The beginning of the matter was a first-class cookconvenience storeIt was a plan to judge the product. One of the chefs gave a strict evaluation that “I don’t feel like eating” without eating Tuna Mayo rice balls.

The person in charge at FamilyMart said with tears, “Every year, we are renewing our products so that they can be delicious. I hope you will evaluate the taste … ”, and the chef finally said it, but the result was unsuccessful.SNSThe criticisms of the chef were concentrated. “(TV magazine writer)

After the broadcast, many people bought Tuna Mayo rice balls and uploaded photos such as “It’s usually delicious.” A few days later, some Famima stores also introduced POPs that took advantage of the uproar, such as “Food doesn’t look like it!” And “Tsunamayo rice balls that were told by Borokoso are here!”

There was a positive voice on the Internet saying that it was “strong in business”, but the FamilyMart Public Relations Department commented on J-CAST that “it is not recommended by the headquarters and the relevant promotional materials have been removed.” It is said that it was done.

At the judgment of FamilyMart’s upper management, there were a lot of regrettable voices saying, “It was an interesting POP.”

<< I saw that pop and wanted to eat it on the contrary. It's delicious, so try it! I was eating while thinking

<< Isn't it good to have an effect? I think it's okay to have that much humor! 》

“I’m glad it was fun. It’s boring that the parties may have been saved by this. 》

“I thought it was a pride POP that said,” I was told on TV that it was crazy, but it tastes good! “





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