FAMILY LAB IS BORN IN TRANI / News / News / Homepage – Municipality of Trani

Thursday, September 26, from 3:30 p.m., via Caposele 54 will be transformed into a new space dedicated to families and young people. The opening of the Family Lab, a project curated by the Trani-Bisceglie Territorial Area, was conceived in a festive context with street initiatives aimed at everyone starting at 3:30 p.m. with the partner Circo Wow, which will involve participants in a series of epic family challenges. Grandparents against grandchildren, parents against children with over 20 games to overcome with strategy and skill, opportunities to rediscover the beauty of being together.

We will continue with the section “Rediscover the classics and unleash your imagination!” (tic tac toe, Connect 4, checkers, marbles, spinning tops), all the games that have made history. There is also a dedicated area for the little ones (1-3 years) with magic and games that stimulate their curiosity. At 17 the inauguration of the space is scheduled with institutional greetings from the city authorities.

The day in via Caposele will continue afterwards with a DJ set by We Party: music and dancing will accompany the kids until 10pm.



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