Family and Primary Care bet on the ACE in the Emergency Department

Pilar Rodriguez Ledo and Jesus Polo.

The approval of the New Royal Decree on Specialties opens the door to the possibility of creating new medical specialtiesand one of them is the possible emergence of emergencies. Since the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (Semfyc) is against this new specialty and advocates the creation of Specific Training Areas (ACE) of Urgencies and Emergencies and Palliative Care. Medical Writing has contacted the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG) and the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen), who also defend this point of view and reject the creation of a new specialty. The main reasons for this position is the delimitation of the areas of acting and the possible emergence of conflicts linked to lit al title of Family Physician.

Jose Polo Garcia, president of Semergen, affirms that “we have always defended the ACE and not the creation of a specialty, since the problem of delimit it and to know to what extent continued care in Primary Care teams continues to be carried out by family doctors. In addition, we believe that there will be discussion in relation to who should fill the emergency vacancies in the medical units”.

Polo: “There will be discussion with who should occupy the emergency positions in the medicalized units”

In the event that a new specialty finally comes to light, Semergen believes that it could generate a conflict long lasting if not done correctly. “We have lived for 30 years the discussion in Primary Care of the different routes of access to the Family Physician degreegenerating personal and also labor conflicts”, says Polo.

Commitment to a comprehensive reform of Primary Care

Delimiting the action scenarios well is, for Polo, an essential requirement in the event that he finally decides to create the emergency specialty: “We believe that the continuous attention in the teams of Primary Care It is not for doctors specializing in the Emergency Department, but for family doctors. We are not against the creation of the specialty, but we do need to clearly define the fields of action let these specialists work.”

Rodríguez: “I would have no problem creating palliative ACEs”

Polo considers that the creation of the Emergency Department is backed by the administration to “avoid the bloodletting that doctors who train in Family Medicine end up taking from doctors from Hospital Emergency. I think this problem it is not going to be solved until do not bet on a comprehensive reform of Primary Care. The Government has ignored our opinion and before this possible creation of the specialty, we refer to everything mentioned so far”.

Pilar Rodríguez Ledofirst vice president of SEMG, follows in the footsteps of Semergen, although she opens the door to debate to reach agreements: “This aspect will have to be worked on together. The palliative ACE has not yet been decided, but I would not have any problem in its creationn. The specialty is still pending debate. In principle, we defend the line initially discussed, but we are willing to discuss it and seek the best situation for the system. Until now we have seen it as an ACE.”

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.

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