2023-08-24 19:43:32
24 aug 2023 om 17:03 Update: een uur geleden
Subway, the sandwich chain with more than 37,000 locations worldwide, is sold by the founders’ families. The buyer is investment company Roark Capital, owner of Dunkin’ Donuts, among others.
The investor pays 9.6 billion dollars (8.9 billion euros) to the families of founders Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck, reports The Wall Street Journal.
Subway was founded in the United States in 1965. The sandwich chain has now been active in more than a hundred countries for 58 years. In recent years, Subway has tried to expand further. Thousands of new branches are to be opened in China, for example.
Like other hospitality companies, Subway has had to deal with falling sales due to the corona lockdowns. But since 2021, the turnover from the sale of sandwiches has been increasing every quarter.
Menu’s van McDonald’s blijven ondanks hogere prijzen populair
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