“False reconstruction” –

The PM has requested the case be closed

Two prominent journalists, Nello Trocchia, correspondent for the daily newspaper Domani, and Sara Giudice, reporter for Piazzapulita on La7, are at the center of an investigation into gang rape that occurred in Rome. The two are being investigated under articles 609 octies and 609 ter of the penal code, with the aggravating circumstance of the use of alcohol or narcotics against the alleged victim, also a journalist. However, La Verità reports, the prosecutor in charge of the case recently requested that the case be shelved, prompting opposition from the victim. The judge will decide on the case at the hearing scheduled for December.

The facts date back to the evening of January 29, when the alleged victim was in a pub in Trastevere to celebrate Giudice’s birthday, in the company of some friends, including Trocchia. The woman, after drinking a beer and two gin and tonics, found herself alone with the two journalists when the group of friends left the place. According to the victim’s story, Giudice assumed a casual attitude, kissing her on the mouth and passing cream on her lips, while Trocchia commented on the scene. The situation then degenerated when the alleged victim took a sip of whiskey, the origin of which she does not remember, and the three left the place to take a taxi. During the journey, Giudice and Trocchia sat on either side of the young woman, starting to kiss and grope her. The girl, in a state of confusion, was unable to react until, once they arrived at the couple’s house, she had a moment of lucidity and decided to take the taxi back home.

Once home, the girl told her partner what had happened and decided to have her urine tested, which revealed the presence of GHB, the so-called “date rape drug.” However, the cross-examination carried out by the prosecutor’s office was negative, and a new defense consultation questioned the methodology used for the initial test. The prosecutor subsequently rejected the victim’s request to perform a hair analysis. During the investigation, the taxi driver who transported the three that night was also questioned. The man reported hearing Trocchia ask Giudice for permission to kiss the girl, who he said seemed to be mumbling. During questioning, Trocchia confirmed what had happened, claiming that the victim, initially intending to follow the couple home, later changed her mind. Giudice, for his part, stated that the girl had taken the initiative. In the request for archiving, the prosecutor highlighted that the victim was not “able to determine” and concluded that the suspects could have “erred in relation to her consent to the conduct reported”. Now, it will be up to the preliminary investigations judge to resolve the ambiguities that have emerged and decide whether to archive the case or proceed with further investigations.

In a note, the lawyers Grazia Volo and Virginia Ripa di Meana, lawyers of the two journalists accused of gang rape, wanted to clarify how things stand: “With regard to the article in the newspaper La Verità on a painful private affair involving Sara Giudice and Nello Trocchia and a third party who made the complaint, with this press release we point out that the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office, after in-depth investigations lasting several months, has decided not to pursue criminal action and has therefore requested the case be closed against Trocchia and Giudice. The hateful and false reconstruction of the facts carried out by La Verità and taken up by other national media totally contrasts with the investigative findings that demonstrate the total groundlessness of the complaint and the version of the complainant. The articles were written in contempt of the ethical rules that require the verification of news. Consequently, the articles contain deliberately false information. For these reasons we will protect the reputation of our clients in every appropriate judicial venue both with respect to the press and to the complainant, against whom the crime of slander is being alleged”.

#False #reconstruction #Tempo
2024-08-31 17:42:09



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