Fall Day of Advanced Practice and Nursing in Psychiatry & Mental Health

2024-09-26 15:50:52

This first Autumn Day of Advanced Practice and Nursing Sciences in psychiatry and mental health (JAPASI) on the theme: “Identity, exercise, added value” will take place next Tuesday, December 3 at Vinatier (Bron, 69). Objective: to question care practices through the prism of nursing sciences and mental health care research, all within an inclusive approach to health professions. The organizers invite participants to discuss the added value of nursing sciences and advanced practice through feedback, exchanges and the comparison of points of view to highlight the evolution of nursing identity.

Call for oral communication or poster

Theme 1: Feedback in advanced practice : what contributions are perceived for the people concerned and the organizations?

Theme 2: Evolution of the nursing profession : new practices, new missions.

Theme 3: Collaborative work :feedback from the pairs (psychiatrist-IPA, executive-IPA, psychologist IPA, nurse-IPA)

If you wish to intervene during these different workshops and round tables (20 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion with the room) to share your experience with students and professionals, or if you would like to present a poster on the same themes or on your research work, please contact the organizing team at this email address before November 4, 2024. Registration is free for communicators.
Please include:
– The title of your intervention
– The names and professions of the speaker(s)
– 5 keywords
– A short summary to describe your intervention

Learn more
– The event will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Vinatier, in the amphitheater of building 416, on the 2nd floor.
– Access the educational poster
– Access the program and registration

#Fall #Day #Advanced #Practice #Nursing #Psychiatry #Mental #Health



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