Faked attempted rabbit murder with ketchup: Ex-boyfriend in court

A 19-year-old Viennese man appeared before the juvenile court on Friday because he did not want to accept the end of his relationship with his girlfriend.

He took an unusual measure and faked a video of the killing of the dwarf rabbit they shared if the student did not return to him. The trial ended with a diversion.

With ketchup on the animal’s fur and a knife at its neck, the 19-year-old confirmed in the video that he would kill the rabbit, which he once bought as “proof of my love”.

Dangerous threat, animal cruelty

The criminal complaint also mentioned that the rabbit was injured with a knife, which led to the youth being charged not only with dangerous threats but also with animal cruelty. The boy claimed that the video was fake. “That may be so, but it’s still not nice,” said Judge Andreas Hautz.

The 19-year-old and the student met in October 2023. The relationship soon developed cracks after the girl “went out partying a lot.” “I didn’t like that because she was groped by other men,” said the 19-year-old.

When he found out that the student had been unfaithful, the relationship ended. In addition to the rabbit video, the boy is said to have threatened to set fire to her house and destroy her life.

Now they are a couple again

The 19-year-old was reported and given a restraining order against entering and approaching the man. When the restraining order expired, the couple began to get closer again, as the 19-year-old now assured the judge. “Are you a couple?” asked Hautz. “Yes,” said the accused.

“But it’s complicated”

Nevertheless, the student only wanted to testify in the boy’s absence. When asked about the status of their relationship, however, she said: “It’s complicated.”

Ultimately, the diversion was granted due to serious coercion and dangerous threats. The 19-year-old will receive probation and must undergo therapy at a men’s counseling center.



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