fake certificates –

Edoardo Sirignano

Five Hezbollah became Italian citizens thanks to fake certificates. It was May 7th when reported on a Lebanese tycoon who, taking advantage of his friendship with the Venezuelan Prime Minister Maduro and his strange relationships in some of our consulates, managed to obtain passports for himself and his family, effectively helping , people close to the renowned Islamist paramilitary organization. Indiscretion confirmed, in these hours, by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani himself who, after months of silence, confirms the existence of that distorted mechanism, denounced in these columns: «Too many scams, claims the head of the Farnesina. Too many people who organize agencies to give away Italian citizenship with fake ancestors.” Majed Khalil Mazjoub himself, the 54-year-old entrepreneur we were talking about previously, had succeeded in his goal thanks to an alleged ancestor from Poggio di Marciana, a small village on the island of Elba, who, back in 1850, apparently left for Caracas.

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The leader of Forza Italia does not cite any specific case, but it is clear that there is more than a simple common thread with those checks of 12 April last, carried out by Farnesina inspectors. Then 23 files ended up under the sieve, including 9 relating to the family of the Islamic tycoon related to the former Lebanese Finance Minister, known for having been sanctioned by the US Treasury Department due to his “material support for Hezbollah”. One thing is certain, our government does not intend to be caught unprepared. Which is why, as revealed by Tajani, during the national conference of local bodies of Forza Italia, held in Perugia, the citizenship of the five terrorists has already been revoked. «Being Italian – highlights the deputy prime minister, speaking with journalists – is a serious thing». Having said that, the mystery remains open regarding this document market, which starting from South America up to our Europe, allows dangerous subjects to exploit our offices to access the continent or bypass Washington’s strict controls.

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This is why Palazzo Chigi was asked to speed up the investigations into a real system, which by exploiting the channel of Maduro, Venezuela and Bolivia, with the complicity of some officials and managers, would allow those who needed it, recovering the identity of subjects whose ancestry is doubtful (because the surname has been lost or perhaps because the municipal archives, as in the case of Poggio di Marciana, would only go up to a certain date) to have the necessary requirements to be our compatriot. Having said that, considering the re-emerged “lone wolf” danger, this problem could today turn into a real emergency, considering the ease with which subjects considered dangerous could become Italian and therefore go unnoticed. Even though the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is more than vigilant, as demonstrated by the case of the last five Hezbollahs, a moment of distraction is enough to ensure that our country becomes the ideal docking point for some terrorist, who, not finding outlets elsewhere, uses the flaw to achieve its terrible goals.

#fake #certificates #Tempo



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fake certificates –

Edoardo Sirignano October 14, 2024 Five Hezbollah became Italian citizens thanks to fake certificates. It was May 7th when reported on a Lebanese tycoon who,