Failure to settle the status of suspended teachers results in their being deprived of health coverage


The suffering of suspended teachers continues due to the failure to settle their financial and administrative status, which has led to a number of them being deprived of their right to health insurance for illness.

Among the teachers concerned, some have resumed work, but their financial and legal situation has not been settled to this day, despite the passage of 7 months since the suspension decision, which resulted in the suspension of the right to benefit from health coverage.

In this context, Mustafa Al-Kahma, a member of the Media and Communication Committee of the National Coordination of Teachers and Executives who were forced to sign contracts, revealed that “the failure to settle the situation of the suspended teachers makes the Ministry of Education today violate Article 73 of the General System of the Civil Service, according to which it suspended the teachers, because it did not respect the deadlines it set.”

Al-Kahma explained that this situation “led to the suspension of the right to benefit from health coverage and those entitled to it, because stopping the payment of contributions for a period of 6 months results in the suspension of rights.”

The same speaker pointed out that “there are elderly professors who suffer from chronic and serious diseases that require expensive medical follow-up, not to mention the presence of a critical health condition that is regarding to undergo a very urgent and delicate heart surgery.”

The same activist concluded that “the workers today are facing a very serious situation that affects the health safety and right to life of women and men in education, due to the procrastination in settling the administrative and financial situation of the workers,” according to his expression.

It is worth noting that the National Union of Education Employees wrote to Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch regarding the suffering of a group of suspended teachers, for nearly 8 months so far, without receiving any decision following referring them to disciplinary councils.

The university, which is part of the National Union of Moroccan Workers, alerted the Prime Minister that this issue “has serious material and social repercussions on those concerned, following the right to benefit from health coverage was suspended, due to the suspension of wages.”

The university stressed that these suspended professors “are subjected to violations with legal dimensions that contradict the values ​​of human rights and international conventions ratified by Morocco, related to freedoms and basic rights,” noting that “this suffering has extended to the families of the detainees, and there is no better evidence of this than the deprivation of one of them from benefiting from covering the costs of a surgical operation for his daughter.”

Accordingly, the university called on the Prime Minister to intervene urgently through all available constitutional means, in order to achieve justice for these professors and finally close this file.

#Failure #settle #status #suspended #teachers #results #deprived #health #coverage
2024-07-15 11:04:44



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