2024-09-10 22:00:00

Why is this article reserved for subscribers?

For nearly 30 years now, Alternative Santé has been promoting the benefits of alternative medicines or complementary approaches. While they are attacked from all sides with the greatest virulence, our mission is more essential than ever to defend another vision of health.
This is why we need you to support us in our information actions. Indeed, if we wish to maintain our editorial independence, only your financial support can allow us to continue our mission:

that of denouncing scandals and worrying excesses in the world of health, of highlighting undesirable effects that of making preventive solutions and effective natural remedies known to as many people as possible that of defending the right of patients, health users and doctors to freely choose the best remedies.

As you probably know, we do not advertise in our newspaper and remain free from any pressure. We want to keep our independence, but this freedom comes at a cost.

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