Facundo Jones Huala began a dry hunger strike in the Esquel prison

2023-11-19 14:33:13

The Mapuche reference Facundo Jones Hualaon whom an extradition order to Chile weighs, ratified days ago by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Yesterday he started a dry hunger strike in the Federal Penitentiary of Esquel where he is housed.

The measure is in demand of the non-extradition and the request for immediate freedomas reported by the Autonomous Mapuche Movement of Puelmapu through their social networks.

This Saturday, November 18, Jones Huala began the dry hunger strike (without consumption of food or liquids) for an “indefinite” period in Penal 14 of Esquel “in claim to our political and territorial rights as a Mapuche nation people, their non-extradition to Ngulumapu (Chile) and their immediate freedom, taking into account that it has been adjusted to the law according to the law of the Argentine state and “He is only 8 months away from completing his sentence imposed by the Chilean state,” they reported.

The Mapuche organization that accompanies Jones Huala, He once once more described his situation as a “political prisoner” that he is “persecuted, but he has not given up or given up, from a very young age he has dedicated himself to this worthy and just cause,” expressed the Autonomous Mapuche Movement of Puelmapu, which claimed his “moral and consistent value.”

The Mapuche movement that accompanies Jones Huala reiterated its premise of “continuing to recover territory” and expressed: “A call is made for freedom of action to all of our people who have ancestral revolutionary consciousness. All fighting methods are valid”.

Jones Huala was arrested at the end of last January in El Bolsón, following remaining a fugitive from Chilean justice for a year, failing to return to prison when the Court of Justice of that country revoked his conditional freedom.

Since then, the Mapuche leader born in Bariloche remains housed in the Federal Penitentiary of Esquel and in that city he spent the oral trial for the extradition requested to Chilewhich had a favorable ruling from the substitute judge of Bariloche, Gustavo Villanueva, and was ratified by the Supreme Court of Justice.

The judicial instance of the extradition process is completed and now it remains for the President of the Nation to issue the decree to specify the judicial provision.

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