Faculty of Medicine inaugurated altruistic blood donation day – Universo – Sistema de noticias de la UV

  • It is part of the strategies of the social project “A drop of blood”, which seeks to promote voluntary and altruistic donation
  • The activity covers November 24, 25 and 26, in collaboration with the Veracruz State Center for Blood Transfusion and the Mexican Association to Help Children with Cancer

The day is aimed at both the university community and the general population

Blanca M. González Morales

Photos: Aracely Hernandez

11/29/2022, Veracruz, Ver.- The Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV), in collaboration with the State Center for Blood Transfusion (CETS) of Veracruz and the Mexican Association to Help Children with Cancer (AMANC), inaugurated the altruistic blood donation day, which It was held from November 24 to 26.

The event is part of the activities of the social project “A drop of blood”, developed by students of the first period of Medicine, through the Academic Body (CA) Innovation and Educational Research in Health, and educational experiences (EE) Partner Demography and Biochemistry.

Julio César Viñas Dozal, director of the Faculty of Medicine, recognized that “although more than 120 million blood donations are made every year in the world, they are not enough. The resource is always exhausted, so we need to establish strategies that allow us to rationalize and optimize and above all to fill ourselves with more resources”.

In this sense, he celebrated the strategic collaboration between the UV, the CETS, the AMANC and the “Una gotita de sangre” project, the latter “created by our students and which strengthens academic activities, magnifies our Faculty and helps the function integral of future health professionals”.

Meanwhile, Salvador González Santiesteban, director of CETS, thanked the Vice-Rector’s Office, the Faculty of Medicine, AMANC and the work team of “Una gotita de sangre” for the support to carry out this first day of altruistic donation.

Academics and students from the Health Sciences Academic Area actively participated as volunteers and donors

Academics and students from the Health Sciences Academic Area actively participated as volunteers and donors

“Without your support this initiative would not have flourished, thanks to you we are going to sensitize many people.”

For his part, the vice-rector Rubén Edel Navarro highlighted and recognized the work of the teachers members of the CA Innovation and Educational Research in Health, as well as the students of the Socio Demography and Biochemistry EE for the development and initiative of this project “A drop of blood”.

“The issue of donation is a cultural issue, we need to build the true meaning of altruistic donation and there we have a great commitment as a university.”

He invited the entire university community to join the project: “Let’s set an example, social commitment should characterize us as university students and this is what the Faculty of Medicine, students and CAs are demonstrating. It really makes me very proud.”

For her part, Wendy Oyuki Covarrubias Olivares, student and leader of the “Una gotita de sangre” project, explained that the purpose of the initiative is to promote voluntary and altruistic blood donation, “in an effort to mitigate the shortage of blood products , which are necessary as a complement to the therapy of many patients”.

In this case, he explained that the UV works closely with AMANC, where children require a minimum of hemoglobin units before starting their treatment and following it.

Vice Chancellor Rubén Edel Navarro participated in the donation day

Vice Chancellor Rubén Edel Navarro participated in the donation day

“They constantly require blood and platelet donors to be able to start their chemotherapy treatment, then they also need hemoglobin units for their recovery,” he said.

On the other hand, he mentioned that a large number of health problems, “both chronic degenerative and emerging, might be eradicated through voluntary and repeat donation.”

He pointed out that teachers Manuel Saiz Calderón Gómez and Néstor Alejandro Hernández Fernández also participate in the project, as well as students Diana Laura Jácome García, Lizette Blanca Mariela García Vera, Mirna Dubhe Pereda Gamboa, Jhoana Lizette Trujillo Guzmán and Kevin Uscanga Hernández.

The event was attended by Claudia Beatriz Enríquez Hernández, Regional Academic Secretary, and Rosa María Álvarez Santaman, Sectional Secretary of the Academic Staff Union (Jesus Christ).

University authorities and students inaugurated the altruistic blood donation day

University authorities and students inaugurated the altruistic blood donation day



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