2023-08-08 21:59:19
Thousands were interested in entering the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, making it then the number one preference for young people in San Luis Potosí, Mexico and the world, since it must be remembered that not only students applied of the country but of other regions.
This year 2023, 2,257 applicants to the Faculty of Medicine were pre-registered, of which only 151 were accepted. Of this total number of those received at the institution, 75 men and 76 women aspired for a space in the educational institution.
The interested parties basically sought to enter the Surgeon career and it is said that it is due to the quality that they maintain within their educational program that has led the highest house of studies to be considered the number one among public academies for their work in medicine. .
The Faculty was recently ranked among the first five places in the National Exam for Applicants for Medical Residency, ENARM, which is considered one of the most difficult nationwide. However, the UASLP has managed to place itself in a privileged position, according to the latest published figures.
According to these data, the UASLP is below the Universidad Panamericana, ITEM Jalisco and Mexico City, but above the ITEM campus Monterrey, with 194 supporters and 135 selected.
According to the surveys that have been carried out with the graduates, there is information that they have a good chance of employment. From the year of 2014 to 2021, 47.95 it was detected that graduates work outside the State of San Luis Potosí. Although there is 14 percent that is not working, of which 81 percent of the cases, is due to the fact that they are studying full time or are undertaking a personal project.
In general, graduates of the Faculty of Medicine try to enter a specialty that allows them better income in the future. Approximately 15 percent of those who finished the higher level in question participated in some mobility program during their educational instruction.
It is thus a career that has a future in the student body, because it also has specialties.
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