2024-02-16 11:13:46
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Former lawmaker Lee Un-ju, who left the People Power Party, was reinstated as a member of the Democratic Party.
Depending on the results of former lawmaker Lee’s nomination, there is a possibility that factional conflict within the Democratic Party will increase.
In addition, as claims to exclude nominations for active lawmakers who are under investigation or trial are being publicly raised, the issue of fairness with Representative Lee Jae-myung, who is also on trial, is being raised.
Reporter Shin Jae-woong reports.
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Former lawmaker Lee Eon-ju, who left the Democratic Party and worked for the People’s Party and the People Power Party, declared his return to the party following seven years, calling for “liquidation of the prosecution forces.”
[이언주/전 국회의원]
″Now that I have returned from wandering, I can now muster the courage to speak out. My thoughts were short.″
Although he said he would “leave it up to the party” to decide whether to run, it is known that he hopes to run in constituencies in the metropolitan area, including Seoul Middle and Seongdong-gap, where former Blue House Chief of Staff Lim Jong-seok applied for nomination.
[이재명/더불어민주당 대표]
″We must sound the alarm on this incompetent and truly irresponsible, and I especially indifferent, administration. Let’s do it together.″
As former lawmaker Lee has harshly criticized the Moon Jae-in administration in the past, there are signs of conflict between factions over strategic nominations, and the battle over whether lawmakers who are under investigation or trial by prosecutors can run is also growing.
It was confirmed that Representative Lee Jae-myung had a phone call with lawmakers involved in the so-called ‘2021 National Convention money envelope suspicion’ during the Lunar New Year holiday.
The parties said, “It was a courtesy call to encourage them, and they responded that there was no problem with the ‘money envelope suspicion.’” However, there are also interpretations that Representative Lee was in fact pressuring him not to run, as he was hinting at a ‘change in nomination’ every day.
Claims were made publicly that lawmakers Noh Woong-rae, Ki Dong-min, and Lee Su-jin, who were indicted on charges of bribery, were being excluded from nomination.
[한병도/더불어민주당 전략기획위원장(SBS 라디오 ′김태현의 정치쇼′)]
″In the case of Rep. Roh (Woong-rae), there are some parts that were acknowledged… We are currently discussing (exclusion of nomination), and it is a point that we have no choice but to worry regarding.”
As Representative Lee Jae-myeong himself is being tried for suspicions of Daejang-dong, etc., exclusion from nomination due to so-called ‘judicial risk’ is bound to lead to controversy over fairness.
As nominations are relatively delayed compared to the People Power Party, criticism is gradually spreading that they are relying on Representative Lee’s political judgment rather than system nominations as promised by the Democratic Party.
This is Shin Jae-woong from MBC News.
Video coverage: Seo Hyun-kwon / Video editing: Jang Dong-jun
#Lee #Eonjoos #strategic #nomination #returning #Democratic #Party #raises #controversy #fairness #due #judicial #risk