Facilitating Recruitment of Moroccan Seasonal Agricultural Workers in France: FNSEA Agreement

2023-07-07 15:30:24

The National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA) announced on Friday the signing of a framework agreement to “facilitate the recruitment of Moroccan seasonal agricultural workers” in France and thus “meet the needs of farmers who are currently faced with a lack of candidates. This text is now sealed with the French Office for Immigration (OFII) and the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC), so as to lay “the foundations for a virtuous and responsible approach” in the recruitment process, according to a press release from the organization, quoted by l’AFP.

This agreement makes it possible in particular to guarantee recruits “an introduction, integration and return to their countries in an organized and respectful framework”. Director general of the OFII, the prefect Didier Leschi declared to the news agency that it was an “example of circular immigration, with workers who are transported thanks to temporary residence permits, depending on the agricultural production calendar. Consulted by AFP, the framework agreement and dated June 27. It does not commit to a quantified objective, but rather takes into account a growing trend observed in the French agricultural sector, which is the use of Moroccan seasonal workers.

The prefect indicated that in 2022, 15,700 seasonal workers came from Morocco to work in France. This figure reflects the evolving trend in the use of circular migration in agriculture, since the nationals mobilized for this purpose were 6,300 in 2018, before exceeding 10,000 in 2021. The sector also calls on seasonal workers from Tunisia and Turkey.

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