Faced with soaring costs, Bonduelle “will continue” to ask for price increases

The managing director of the Bonduelle group believes that “all players in the chain must do their part” in the face of inflation.

Invited on BFM Business this Thursday, the general manager of the Bonduelle group, Guillaume Debrosse, justified the price increases decided in recent months by “inflation which affects energy, agricultural prices, packaging and wages”. “A situation that we had not known for 25 years,” he said.

According to him, “the level of inflation is such that we cannot be the only ones to bear it on our shoulders. All the actors in the chain must take their part”. “We must increase our prices and we will continue because we are on such inflation that we have to pass it on to customers,” he said.

Negotiate with distributors “as needed”

It remains to agree with the distributors, who are rather hesitant at the idea of ​​accepting large price increases during trade negotiations.

“But we have reached agreements each time. I believe in the intelligence of our parties (…). We must move forward. We had to reopen negotiations during the year and we will do so as long as necessary”, declared Guillaume Debrosse.

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