Faced with inflation, unemployment benefit revalued on April 1

Today is Saturday, April 1. Today, several revaluations come into force: the RSA, family allowances, but also unemployment benefit: +1.9%. The last revaluation dates from last summer, at 2.9%. This boost is still dependent on the validation of a decree by the Council of State.

This is an exceptional measure decided by the social partners in the face of inflation. Each organization made a proposal, more or less high. For example, the CGT proposed a revaluation of 6%.

Two upgrades in 2023

Finally, a revaluation of 1.9% was adopted, or 19 euros more per month on average. Only the CGT refused to sign the agreement. This year, there will therefore be two revaluations of the unemployment benefit, according to the boss of the MEDEF, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. The next one, like every year, will take place in July.

For Denis Gravouil, in charge of the file at the CGT, it will be necessary to go even further.

Review the minimum allocation

“We have a demand that we have managed to make and that the other trade unions support, which is that there is a real minimum allowance. Officially, there is a minimum allowance of around 30 euros. Except that people who are part-time for example, they do not have 30 euros a day. It is essential that the allowance starts with this real minimum allowance below which we cannot go down”.

In the third quarter of 2022, the amount of the net monthly allowance was 1,006 euros on average, according to Unédic.



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