Faced with climate change: The Hcds is committed to “a just transition” towards a green economy – Lequotidien

The High Council for Social Dialogue (Hcds), through its president, Innocence Ntap Ndiaye, reiterates its support for a “just transition to a green economy in Senegal”, from a sustainable approach integrating the ecological question at the heart of public policy. “The promotion of a green economy, as a tool for sustainable development”, is a perspective that “is part of an approach that preserves the environment in a sustainable manner, placing the ecological foundations at the heart of economic and social development policies of our countries,” said Ms. Ndiaye. On Thursday in Dakar, she chaired the closing workshop of Page Senegal, a partnership with the United Nations for action in favor of the green economy, which is celebrating its eighth anniversary. According to the President of the High Council for Social Dialogue, the sustainable approach to the transition to a green economy “offers the opportunity for countries to steer their economies towards a sustainable dynamic of sustained growth, guaranteeing a massive creation of jobs and a significant reduction in poverty and inequality”.

She praised “the various achievements of Page Senegal” which, she said, “enabled civil society actors to better understand the comparative advantages linked to low-polluting and low-carbon development options, from a perspective of sustainability”. “It is necessary to pursue endogenously this dynamic of national social economic transition that is greener, more efficient and better oriented towards job creation”, maintained Innocence Ntap Ndiaye. “Our tripartite institution reiterates its commitment to investing in the greening of our economy to have a more prominent place,” said the president of Hcds, who makes this issue “a major concern”. To do this, the High Council for Social Dialogue intends to insist on promotion, awareness and training. “We have within the institution, a commission in charge of this and which will be the crucible for developing capacity building initiatives for stakeholders so that they can contribute more significantly to the transition to a greener economy” , assured Innocence Ntap Ndiaye.

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