When a person pays for a train, car or plane ticket, they generally prefer to sit in the seat they selected and not in another located in a lower or cheaper area. Believe it or not, the following story has a lot to do with that thought and the fact that the location of seats on public transport caused a lot of discussion.
The incident occurred between a passenger and a mother who wanted the man to stand up so she might sit next to her daughter. By ignoring her, the woman’s attitude changed and she became hostile.
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The story went viral on social networks following the protagonist spread it in a thread on the Reddit platform, in which different users shared their experiences dealing with “irritating” people.
Conflict on the plane
The man explained that, initially, the woman asked him if they might exchange seats so that she would be next to her daughter. Answering in the negative, the woman changed her countenance to a noticeably dazed one. However, she did not ask anyone else for the favor of changing places.
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“A woman asked me to change into a TPAC flight from Japan. I was in the window and her little daughter was in the middle, next to me, while the woman was in the middle seat in the row behind me, ”wrote the protagonist of the story.
In addition, he indicated that “it was not his problem” that he had not reserved his seats in advance.
“The worst thing is that we were surrounded by others from his tour group, and he might even have asked for a three-place exchange,” he said.