“Facebook Market” is on a date with new rules.. Get to know them

Facebook (..) Personal free listings of vehicles and real estate listings will still be available on Facebook Marketplace (..) We are simply changing how inventory is displayed in the future".

come back "dead" Its step is to reduce misleading dealer lists that confuse buyers on sales platforms, and if you have ever shopped for a used car via InternetMost likely, you’ve come across people offering $1 for a car in an attempt to get your attention.

Social media expert, Mohamed Adel, explains that "Facebook With this step, he wants to limit the fake price lists to the store, to facilitate the buyer’s task, so that he has the most serious and easy market.".

Adel says, to the site "Sky News Arabia"that "Facebook" to achieve that "It will impose strict rules on commercial agents, and adopt a human review mechanism to permanently purify the lists".

Adel warns, to that back door, which "Some commercial agents will push the public to flow through free lists of personal accounts, especially since Facebook did not mind commercial agencies using personal pages to display their products".

And continue the site "The Verge" American technician with "dead" To see if it had any plans to address misleading lists posted by personal accounts, he did not receive a response.

But Adel does not think that the lists of personal accounts will be a viable door in front of him fraudThis is because "Personal loses the credibility of the business with the audience and the buyer, and therefore it will be more inclined to these agents approved by Facebook because it is safer and more serious for it".

An important dimension of a step "dead" The new one, Adel draws attention to, in his speech to the site "Sky News Arabia"which is the company’s desire to increase its income from , as it is believed that this purification process will limit the ability of commercial agents to display their products without the need to purchase advertisements from "Facebook".

Adel explains, that "Facebook" see that "Commercial agents use his service to make profits, it is necessary for him to share a percentage of that profitsUnlike personal accounts, whose offers for sale will be limited to personal products".

It doesn’t hurt, Adel explains "Facebook" in something, because "The ultimate goal of technology companies is to make profits, as they advance Social media Its services are free for users in exchange for selling their data to advertisers".

And"Facebook Store" or "Facebook Market"It is one of the tools that enables users of "Facebook" of buying and selling Productsand represents a solution for every user who has something and wants to sell it, but on the other hand it is like a solution for everyone who wants to enter the world of e-commerce completely free of charge, as many commercial agents have succeeded in achieving thousands of sales and tens of thousands of profits.

More recently, profit from "Facebook" Through the market for selling products, especially with the cessation of labor markets in conjunction with the solutions of the pandemic corona And then the Russo-Ukrainian War, where the recession that hit the global economy and labor markets met with a boom in e-commerce.

was "Facebook" Among the most important markets that many individuals come to buy for their various personal needs, it has become a guaranteed market for success in promoting various products and bringing more profits to commercial agents.


As of January 30, 2023, Meta will no longer support the ability of sellers to create listings for vehicles and properties using a business page. Facebook (..) Free personal listings for vehicle and real estate listings will still be available on the Facebook Marketplace (..) We are simply changing how inventory is displayed in the future.”

Meta takes this step to reduce misleading dealer lists that confuse buyers on sales platforms, and if you have previously shopped for a used car via InternetMost likely, you’ve come across people offering $1 for a car in an attempt to get your attention.

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Social media expert, Mohamed Adel, explains that “Facebook With this step, he wants to limit the fake price lists to the store, in order to facilitate the task of the buyer, so that he will have the most serious and easy market.”

Adel told Sky News Arabia that, to achieve this, “Facebook will impose strict rules on commercial agents, and will adopt the human review mechanism to permanently purify the lists.”

Adel warns of that back door, which “will prompt some commercial agents to flow to the public through free lists of personal accounts, especially since Facebook did not mind commercial agencies’ use of personal pages to display their products.”

The American technical website, The Verge, contacted Meta to see if it had any plans to address misleading lists published by personal accounts, but did not receive a response.

But Adel does not think that the lists of personal accounts will be a viable door in front of him fraudbecause “personal loses the commercial establishment’s credibility with the audience and the buyer, and therefore it will be more inclined to those agents approved by Facebook because it is safer and more serious for it.”

An important dimension of Meta’s new step, Adel draws attention to, in his interview with “Sky News Arabia”, is the company’s desire to increase its income from , as he believes that this purification process will limit the ability of commercial agents to display their products without the need to purchase ads. from Facebook”.

Adel explains, that “Facebook” believes that “commercial agents use its service to achieve profits, it is necessary for them to share a percentage of that profitsUnlike personal accounts, whose offers for sale will be limited to personal products.

Adel explains, that this does not harm Facebook in anything, because “the ultimate goal of technology companies is to achieve profits, as they provide Social media Its services are free for users in exchange for selling their data to advertisers.

And the “Facebook Store” or “Facebook Market” is one of the tools that enable “Facebook” users to buy and sell Productsand represents a solution for every user who has something and wants to sell it, but on the other hand it is like a solution for everyone who wants to enter the world of e-commerce completely free of charge, as many commercial agents have succeeded in achieving thousands of sales and tens of thousands of profits.

Recently, profit from Facebook has spread through the market for selling products, especially with the labor markets stopping in conjunction with the outbreak of the pandemic corona And then the Russo-Ukrainian War, where the recession that hit the global economy and labor markets met with a boom in e-commerce.

“Facebook” was among the most important markets that many individuals accepted to purchase their various personal needs, and it became a guaranteed market for success in promoting various products and bringing more profits to commercial agents.

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