FACC with strong sales increase in 2023

FACC with strong sales increase in 2023

According to preliminary results, sales climbed by 23 percent to 745.6 million euros, the operating result (EBIT) of 17.5 million euros more than tripled year-on-year, “but is due to inflation-related cost increases and a challenging global material supply burdened in the supply chain,” said the listed company.

Strong increases in construction rates at all major aviation companies worldwide would have led to a record number of incoming orders in 2023, according to the company headquarters in Ried. The long-term order book has a record volume of over $5.8 billion.

“Growth will continue”

Regarding the outlook, a press release on Thursday said: “According to current forecasts, the growth of the international aviation industry will continue in the following years.” FACC expects further sales growth of 10 to 15 percent and a further improvement in earnings for the 2024 financial year.


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