Thursday September 22, 2022, Fabrice Eboué was David Barbet’s guest on his show Telepro posted on Facebook. The comedian was asked regarding his private life. The opportunity for him to come back to the recent rumors that have been spread on social networks on this subject.
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Fabrice Éboué is currently on stage to play his new show called goodbye yesterday. Alex Reed on the show Telepro broadcast on Facebook Thursday, September 22, 2022, the comedian unveiled the backstage of son one-man-show. He also delivered a surprising anecdote regarding his past. Thus, he revealed to have been a valet porter in a hotel at Disneyland Paris. A professional adventure that only lasted three weeks. Indeed, he was fired following giving the wrong room to a wealthy Saudi. As compensation for his eviction, Fabrice Éboué was offered a place… for the park’s ghost train!
“On social networks, there is no escaping it“
Following his interview with David Barbet, Fabrice Eboué revealed if the fact that his private life was revealed on social networks annoyed him. “A little, honestly“, he replied. And to come back to the cover of a magazine that had marked him: “With my girlfriend at the time [Amelle Chahbi, ndlr.]it was the summer when the film Case Départ was released […] we were on vacation, kissing and we had a double page in a magazine […] They had put: ‘After Case Départ, golo golo in the cellar’, so very high level of humor. On social networks, there is no escaping it. I’m not the most demonstrative, I don’t have a bling-bling life, it’s better to be interested to the life of Nabilla than mine“.
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In a relationship with a reality TV candidate?
In January 2022, the blogger He laughedoriginally the Jeremstargate in 2018, posted a photo that was widely circulated on social media. On the picture in question, Fabrice Eboué was alongsideAnissaa reality TV contestant seen on shows such as 10 perfect couples or The Marseillais VS the rest of the world. In Telepro, David Barbet returned to this rumor, causing the main interested party to react. “I have a life like everyone else. After, the photos… I have friends, things etc. People should also make the difference at one time or another.“, he confided.