Fabiola Yáñez vs. Alberto Fernandez: Why Sofia Parki could provide important data for this case

2024-08-18 11:46:13

The case concerns a complaint of gender-based violence by Alberto Fernández against his former partner Fabiola Yañez, With Sophia Parki called as a key witness, the company took a new direction. Why your testimony could provide elements that change the course of the investigation.

Paki is Yanez’s close collaborator in 2020 and 2021, Many consider her a decisive figure in the development of the case.

People familiar with the matter revealed, The young consultant “had a lot to say” about the relationship between Yáñez and Fernandez, Their testimony could provide elements that change the course of the investigation.

Sofía Pacchi was an important figure in Fernández’s administration, not only for herNot only did she serve as communications and protocol advisor to the then first lady, but she also had a close personal relationship with Yáñez.

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Parkey viewed the two women as sisters: “She’s my sister,” he said more than once. However, Relations between the two countries have seriously deteriorated following the Olivos estate scandal that occurred during the pandemic. Since then, Yanez and Paki have had no contact.

Parkey was called to testify because Specific events that occurred on August 11, 2021, This is one of the key points in Yanez’s complaint against Fernandez.

According to allegations made by the former first ladyDuring the altercation after Yanez accused Fernandez of sending a message to Parkey, the former president threatened to choke her.

The alleged violent incident is one of the most serious incidents being investigated in the case, Parkey’s statement will be crucial in confirming or denying the allegations.

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Parkey was called by prosecutor Ramiro Gonzalez to give her version of events. One consulted source assured that his testimony would be “explosive” and might even contradict Yanez’s version of events. Former consultant has The legal obligation to tell the truth in your representations, which raises expectations about the information you can provide and how this may affect the parties involved.

The relationship between Paki and Yanez did not end in the best way. The Olivos scandal resulted in leaked photos of a party at the president’s mansion during quarantine and Parkey’s dismissal as an adviser.

His contract was not renewed for 2021, which deeply upset Parkey, who directly blamed Yanez for his situation. «“I kept working for her and her behavior was the worst.”“, he often said in private conversations. The personal conflict between the two men may have been a factor in the tone and content of Parkey’s statements.

Parkey’s testimony will be key to clarifying the events of August 11, 2021, It was the day a violent argument broke out between the president and his wife, according to the complaint.

Justice is trying to reconstruct what happened based on information Fernandez sent to Parkey, which would have triggered Yanez’s reaction. The former first lady said the discussion In addition to being restrained around the neck, one of his limbs was “trembling” and injured.

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According to TN, members of Parkey’s entourage assured her that ““She lived and knew a lot” during her time as Yanez’s adviser, and her testimony could provide unpublished details about the dynamics of the relationship between Yanez and Fernandez..

However, it’s uncertain whether Parkey will confirm or deny Yanez’s accusations. According to TN reports, YArness would declare in court that she believed Parkey “would deny everything,” signaling the former first lady’s distrust of her former collaborator. and anticipated a statement that might be detrimental to his cause.

The ties between Parkey and the former president and his wife did not end with his departure in December 2021. Parki returned to the Rose Palace in June 2022, where he met Alberto Fernandez.

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While the exact reason for the meeting is unclear, It is speculated that this may be related to the judicial case investigating the Olivos party. In that case, Patch offered a $250,000 settlement, which was accepted by the Department of Justice, thus resolving his legal issues.

Parki appeared at Casa Rosada in 2022 and later visited Quinta de Olivos in July 2023, staying there for more than two hours, They have fueled speculation about his ties to power and his role in conflicts within the government.

These visits came after she stepped down as Yáñez’s adviser, suggesting Parky maintains some form of contact with former President Fernandez, Although the details of these meetings were never clarified.

Paki was hired by the General Secretariat of the Presidency in the manner provided for in Article 9 of Decree No. 1421/02, which regulates public employment in the country.

In 2020, his contract has an initial term of 12 months and will be renewed for the same term in 2021. During this period, Parkey worked directly with Yanez on communication and etiquette issues until July 2021, when the Olivos scandal marked a turning point in their relationship. Following his separation from Yanez, Parkey continued to serve as undersecretary for institutional management until his contract expired in December 2021.

Parkey’s statement in court aroused great interest because his testimonyOr it could shed new light on the relationship between Yáñez and Fernandez, and the violence reported by the former first lady.

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