eye! Public school teachers in Medellín can apply to have their own home

The Medellín Mayor’s Office opened a call for the teachers of official educational institutions apply and can access the subsidy that will be applied to a total of six homes that will be delivered during this semester.

As explained by the Secretary of Education of Medellín, Alexandra Agudelo, “within the teacher welfare plan, with the Isvimed and the Comfenalco family compensation fund, we have benefits for the teachers of Medellín who register to be favored with the housing subsidy. They are decent apartments and houses so that they continue working for the quality and educational transformation of the District of Science, Technology and Innovation”.

This strategy is carried out in coordination between the Ministry of Education and Isvimed, and will grant a subsidy of 23% of the total value of the home to those who benefit. Additionally, Comfenalco will cover 20% more.

We are happy because the teachers of the official educational institutions of Medellin will be able to apply for the district housing subsidy. We invite you to learn about the requirements on our website www.isvimed.gov.co,” said Isvimed’s population deputy director, Diana Muñoz Gutiérrez.

The value of the homes to be delivered is 150 current monthly legal minimum wages (SMLMV).

To participate, teachers must meet the following requirements:

– The household must earn at least 4 SMLMV.

– Not having their own home.

– Living in Medellin for 6 or more years.

– Not having an applied housing subsidy.

– Have programmed savings for housing in a financial institution and/or immobilized severance payments for housing for a minimum of $7,500,000.

– In addition, applicants must certify that they are part of any of the following population conditions: victim, displaced, indigenous, Afro-descendant or female head of household.

“It is important to have our own home because we can acquire greater stability, save on rental costs, protect our families and, in the event that something happens to one of its members, our children and our relatives will be under a roof. A decent home, all Colombians deserve it”, said the teacher of the José Acevedo y Gómez Educational Institution, Jorge Luis Rojas Sandoval.

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Los apartments to be delivered are 58 square meters each, with two bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. If the person wishes, he will have the possibility to build a third room. The deadline to register is until August 26.

This benefit is added to the agreement reached by the Medellín Mayor’s Office with the workers, in union negotiations, to have $5,000 million of own resources so District teachers can purchase housing

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