Eye health: diet, fruit, vision…

2023-10-24 16:28:00

For healthy eyes, you need to eat an autumn fruit. A recent study on visual health reveals that the consumption of this food is beneficial.

Fruits are real treasures for our health. Some can help us regain the balance of our intestinal flora, and others can help us sleep better. A study carried out in Singapore and published in September 2023, in the scientific journal Food&Functionrevealed, for the first time, that consuming a fruit helps improve human vision.

In France, 3 out of 4 adults report having a vision problem, including 8 out of 10 women and 7 out of 10 men, according to the latest report on the state of health of the population in France for 2014, published by the DREES. So what is this fruit full of benefits for our eye health?

What is the best fruit for vision?

As relayed by our colleagues from magazine Top Health, a team of scientists from the National University of Singapore found the fruit beneficial to our eye health. For 16 weeks, the experts followed 34 adults. Half of them ate, throughout the duration of the experiment, 46 g of freeze-dried grape powder (about 1 and a half cups) per day. The other half of the panel consumed the same amount of powder from a placebo.
Result: researchers have discovered that the antioxidants contained in grapes have benefits for vision. This is the first time science has proven that daily consumption of grapes is beneficial for eye health.

“Oxidative stress is a key risk factor for visual impairment and consuming foods rich in antioxidants can help manage vision impairment. However, a limited number of studies have investigated the effect of antioxidant-rich foods, including grapes, on the eye health of older adults. explain the researchers in the revue Food&Function.

“Our study is the first to show that grape consumption has a beneficial impact on human eye health, which is very exciting, especially with a growing aging population,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Jung Eun Kim.

What foods to improve vision?

Scientists discovered that the daily consumption of grapes by some of the testers led to an improvement in the optical density of macular pigment, better protection of eye cells against damage linked to oxidative stress, an increase in the content total phenols (protective antioxidant compounds for ocular tissues) and a reduction in advanced glycation products (AGE), “which are associated with retinal damage and alterations in cellular function and contribute to the development of eye diseases” note Top Health.

Other foods are very good for taking care of your eyes and maintaining optimal visual health. We can mention carrots, blueberries, salmon, eggs (especially the yolk) and spinach. All these foods contain, as pointed out in site AllAboutVisionlutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients “may reduce the risk of advanced macular degeneration and cataracts”. We can never say it enough, health comes first and foremost through our diet!

#Eye #health #diet #fruit #vision..

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