Eye and Mindfulness Check: Discover the Benefits of Fish and Test Your Visual Perception Skills!

2023-08-15 12:48:15

Eye and mindfulness check.

Who doesn’t love fish? In fact, many people. Some do not like the smell or taste, while others would eat it for a sweet soul, but the body does not accept it. Allergies to fish are quite common.

The fact is that it contains many proteins of the albumin group. By the way, these same proteins are found in meat and other animal products. Therefore, often an allergy to fish is supplemented by an allergy to these products.

Well, for everyone else, fish is a valuable source of protein and other nutrients.

It contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, iodine, fluorine, sulfur. Especially useful are wild fish caught in the sea, and not grown on farms.

Now look at the picture – you see different types of fish (not all of them, by the way, are edible) and their shadows. But one fish was bypassed and no shadow was drawn for it. Your task is to understand which fish is left without a shadow. Try to find it in 10 seconds. This is not an easy task, only people with 100% vision will be able to meet the given time.

Source: freepik/CC0

The hint, as usual, is at the end of this text, just below the video. But do not rush to look into it, try to solve this problem yourself.

And here is the answer to our riddle:

Source: freepik/CC0

Did you manage? Then try our attention fitness test and find 5 differences!

#Find #fish #shadow #people #vision

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