Extreme High Temperatures in North China: Recent Rainfall Brings Temporary Relief, Southern Regions Continue to Sizzle

2023-07-13 00:56:40

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 12th, title: Rainfall brings short-term coolness to the north and high temperature in the south will continue

Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Jing and Huang Yao

On the 12th, a rainstorm brought coolness to many places in the north. The reporter learned from the Central Meteorological Observatory that the rainfall only temporarily retreated from the high temperature in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regions, and Shandong. As the rainfall ends, the high temperature in North China and other places will develop once more. At the same time, following the plum blossoms in Jiangnan and other places, it enters the dog days, accompanied by sunny and hot, relatively muggy, and the temperature in some areas of Jiangnan can reach 38 to 40°C.

According to Fang Chong, the chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, this round of rainfall from the 12th to the 13th has the following characteristics:

The range is relatively large. There will be strong precipitation in the Northwest, North China, Huanghuai and other places in the northern region, and the southwest, Jianghan, and Jianghuai regions in the southern region will also experience precipitation.

Some areas will receive more rainfall. It is expected that from daytime to nighttime on the 12th, there will be heavy to heavy rains in parts of Shandong, central and northern Henan, northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui, central Shaanxi, western Sichuan Basin, southeastern Gansu, eastern and southern Qinghai, and southeastern Tibet. Central Shandong, Local heavy rain in the western Sichuan Basin.

Because the high temperature and drought in many places in the early stage were relatively obvious, this round of rainfall has a certain effect on alleviating the high temperature and drought, which is conducive to agricultural production in the northern region.

With the arrival of rainfall, the high temperature that lasted for many days in the northern region was interrupted.

“This year’s high temperature in North China is extremely extreme.” Gao Hui, chief forecaster of the National Climate Center, pointed out that a total of 86 national stations in North China and the Huanghuai region have reached or exceeded the extreme high temperature threshold, and 26 national stations such as Beijing Tanghekou have reached or exceeded historical extremes. . As of July 11, the Central Meteorological Observatory has issued 43 high-temperature warnings this year, including 27 high-temperature yellow warnings and 16 high-temperature orange warnings.

Since June, the temperature in Beijing has been the highest in the same period of history since 1961. In fact, for eight consecutive years, high temperature processes have occurred in North China from mid-June to early July.

Experts pointed out that due to the rapid development of El Niño during this high temperature process in North China, the subtropical high rapidly strengthened and the precipitation moved southward. In the middle and high latitudes, the ridge of high pressure remained stable, and the water vapor conditions in North China were poor, with high temperature and little rain. Therefore, the recent high temperature in the north belongs to the dry heat type high temperature before the rainy season in North China.

July 11 was the first day following falling into ambush. Will the dog days be hotter than before?

Fang Chong introduced that on the 14th, with the end of the rainfall process, it is expected that the high temperature weather in eastern North China and other places will develop once more.

Generally speaking, the air in the northern region is dry in the early stage, with less rainfall, and the temperature rises rapidly during the day under the condition of strong solar radiation. After falling, thunderstorms in the northern region will begin to increase, the atmospheric humidity will increase significantly compared with the previous period, and the rate of temperature rise during the day will slow down. Therefore, the extreme high temperature in the northern region in the later period is not necessarily stronger than that in the earlier period, but due to the increase in air humidity, people will feel very stuffy.

The situation in the South is different. For some time to come, under the control of the subtropical high pressure, the high temperature weather in the southern region will continue, and high temperatures of 38 to 40 °C may appear in some areas. The public is reminded to deal with high temperature weather.

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