Extreme heat: Advice on how to protect yourself in the heat

2024-07-28 22:00:00

According to Météo-France,Heat wave starts on Sunday Southern hurricanes will extend northward and be relatively short-lived but particularly intense. So far, 41 departments are on orange alert and eight departments are on yellow alert. In this context, General Administration of Health It has been decided to call the Canicule Information Service on 0800 06 66 66 from 2pm on Monday 29 July until the heatwave is over. French public health authorities are calling for vigilance and reminding people to take simple actions.

These prevention tips apply to everyone, including healthy people and especially those who are vulnerable due to age (children under 6 years old, the elderly, especially over 70 years old), health conditions (increased thermal effects or disrupted medication). adaptation), pregnant women, or overexposure to heat due to working conditions or environment (athletes, workers, housing occupants exposed to high heat, etc.).

For real-time weather conditions, you can consult Météo France alert map Updates occur at least twice a day, at 6 am and 4 pm.

Everyone should react well when temperatures rise or it’s extremely hot

Drink water often even if you are not thirsty; avoid drinking alcohol, avoid going out during the hottest times, and keep cool in a cool place at home or near home (library, cinema, store, swimming pool, cool room, etc.).

Find more advice and tips on adapting your accommodation and sports activities on the website: vivre-avec-la-chaleur.fr.

If you are in a high-risk group (elderly, disabled), please consider Register for your city Get help during the hot summer months.

In cases of extreme heat, certain medications may alter the body’s defense mechanisms. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

in housing

During the day, blinds, blinds, curtains and glazing will:

The sun-facing side remains closed unless the accommodation has shade trees or external sun protection (awnings, pergolas, gazebos, parasols, etc.). If ventilation is allowed, limiting the impact of sunlight on glass surfaces can slow the rate at which heat enters the room. In this case, hang a damp towel to allow evaporation to cool the air. If you can’t create a draft using only shadow windows, close them.

Once the outside temperature drops below the indoor temperature (usually early in the morning):

Open blinds, blinds and windows to let fresh air in and cool the house

while traveling by car

Enjoy cooling off. Carry enough water with you on every trip. Never leave people (especially children) alone in a car, even for a short time.

Specific advice for workers and employers

In addition to the direct effects of heat, heat- and work-related fatigue can lead to reduced alertness and workplace accidents. In order to limit workplace accidents related to climatic conditions, employers need to take some simple measures prescribed by regulations (providing workers with restrooms suitable for the climatic conditions, arranging the venue to be able to organize workers’ work). INRS provides support for taking action and raising employee awareness.

learn more: www.inrs.fr/chaleur (Summer High Temperature Work Information File)

Heatwave Service Information: Toll Free Number

The “Heatwave” telephone information platform is only open during periods of extreme heat (free calls from French landlines, from 9 am to 7 pm) to answer questions and provide information on health advice to be followed during extreme heat.

Provide tools and information to support healthcare professionals

topic paper

What measures can be taken to prevent heat-related risks?


Beware of high temperatures when swimming!
#Extreme #heat #Advice #protect #heat



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