Extraordinary election day “is not representative”: Church

Extraordinary election day “is not representative”: Church

CHICOMUSELO, Chiapas (El Universal).— The extraordinary election day in Chicomuselo and Capitán Luis Ángel Vidal took place in a climate of “high levels of violence and insecurity in which the population lives,” but the citizens were “conditioned to vote according to the interests of the cartels that are fighting over the territory, which have caused the forced displacement of the inhabitants,” denounced the archdiocese of Tuxtla.

In a statement read by the head of that body, Bishop Rodrigo Aguilar, he considered that the extraordinary electoral day in both communities of the Sierra Madre of Chiapas, is not “in any way representative” due to the exodus of thousands of people who have left their homes in the municipal capital and communities.

According to residents and political party leaders, there are 11 communities in Chicomuselo without inhabitants and people have left most of the neighborhoods to seek temporary shelter in other municipalities of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, the Chiapas plateau and Tuxtla.

Reading the document, the prelate said that the Church has followed “with concern” the events that have occurred in the state of Chiapas.

“Unfortunately, the violence does not cease and the populations continue to be threatened by criminal groups.” As a consequence of this violence, there are villages that are devastated, he says.

“We are moved and concerned by the forced displacement that many communities are experiencing, in some cases up to 80% of the population is said to have had to flee to save their lives. We have raised our voices for the umpteenth time to denounce the silence, the dissimulation or the collusion on the part of the authorities who have not spoken out in the face of the suffering of thousands of people,” he added.

They take the men away

A few days ago, the bishops of Central America and Chiapas denounced that criminals were coming to the communities to take men: “Many people, especially young and adult men, have been kidnapped to force them to serve criminal groups; many are being used as human shields, because of a system of death that no level of government has wanted to listen to and address at its roots,” they said.

The Catholic Church in Chiapas asked federal and state authorities and security forces to work for the pacification of Chiapas: “That the necessary security conditions be generated for the inhabitants of the areas of influence of the criminal groups, who carry out this strategy of death, dispossession and extermination.”

“We demand that the public security forces themselves carry out a decisive disarmament and arrest the groups that generate violence. We hope, along with all the victims of forced displacement, for the necessary conditions to ensure a safe return in the short term and an environment of sustainable peace and justice, so that our people can have the dignified life they deserve.”

He also announced that on September 8, in all the parishes of Tuxtla, a massive collection of food supplies will be carried out for the people of the Sierra who have left their homes and are in communities in the municipalities of La Concordia and Tuxtla.

“In the same way, at the initiative of the Diocesan Social Pastorate, a permanent prayer campaign for peace in our state has been started; particularly with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament so that we can pray before the Prince of Peace, asking for that much-needed gift that we so long for. Let us not let our guard down, let us continue making efforts, however small they may seem, to achieve peace, with justice and dignity,” announced Bishop Rodrigo Aguilar.

#Extraordinary #election #day #representative #Church
2024-09-03 04:24:07



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