As the minister had said: “The big picture is how we will protect the workers and the priority of the government is to strengthen the Collective Agreements”.
Referring to unemployment, among other things: “It has reached 9.3%, a rate that is a fifteen-year record.”
Speaking to ERTNews, Mrs. Kerameos emphasized that this concerns pensioners who maintain a personal pension difference of up to 1,600 euros. “It is the responsibility of the prime minister and the government to support the pensioners,” he added.
Who are entitled to it?
Pensioners with pensionable earnings of up to €1,600 who maintain a personal difference, which acts as a cutter in their pension increases (2.2 -2.5% in January), are the one large category of benefit beneficiaries. The aid is scaled based on the amount of pension paid and the personal difference. This means that a 200 euro allowance will be paid to those with a pension sum of up to 700 euro, a 150 euro allowance to those with a 701 to 1,100 euro pension and a 100 euro allowance for a sum of pensions from 1,101 to 1,600 euro.
Apart from nymphons, however, there are low pensioners of 700 euros, who have no personal difference.
As far as vulnerable groups are concerned, this year’s beneficiaries of the allowance, according to the government’s planning, are:
The 767,000 beneficiaries of OPECA’s child benefit will receive an additional installment of child benefit.
The 220,000 beneficiaries of the OPECA disability allowance and the beneficiaries of the non-institutional allowance and other disability allowances of the e-EFKA will receive an aid of 200 euros
The 35,000 uninsured elderly beneficiaries of the corresponding OPECA allowance will receive a 200 euro subsidy.
The 205,000 beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income will receive an additional 50% of the monthly allowance during the month of December.
What Kerameos said about pension increases
Regarding pensions, the Minister of Labor announced that increases of 2.2 – 2.5% are coming from January 1, 2025, noting that “I say it is expected to fluctuate – and I do not give a specific number – because this also results from an algorithm (…) So in the month of November, the data on inflation, on GDP, will be closed, so we will have an increase, which we estimate between 2.2 and 2.5% (…)
We will now bring a regulation to the Parliament, which provides that as pensions increase, the “thresholds” of each tier will also increase, so that no one sees a reduction, but in addition sees an increase in the pension as a whole”.
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appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
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#Extraordinary #Christmas #allowance #entitled #money #receive #Financial #relief #euros
All included players are not subscribed OneSignal
It looks like you’re working with JavaScript code that involves setting up and managing different advertising and analytics scripts on a web page. The code is attempting to load various scripts for services such as Google AdSense, OneSignal (for push notifications), Disqus (for comments), and potentially others like Taboola, Phaistos Adman, and Glomex.
Here are some clarifications and suggestions for tidying up the code:
1. **Remove Comments and Unused Conditions**: The comments indicate intentions to load certain scripts, but much of the code is incomplete, with many `asyncLoadScript` calls lacking URLs. If parts of the code are not going to be used, consider removing them or fleshing them out.
2. **Incomplete Strings**: Make sure that strings that are indicated to be URLs (e.g., for loading scripts) are properly formatted and closed. This is critical for the code’s correct functionality.
3. **Async Script Loading**: The use of `asyncLoadScript` suggests a custom function to load scripts asynchronously. If not defined elsewhere, you’ll need to implement this function or ensure it’s included.
4. **Usage of Variables**: If you initialize any global variables like `disqus_config`, ensure they’re used appropriately later in the code.
Here’s a modified, streamlined version of your code with some placeholders replaced with example URLs and better organization:
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {
adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {
// Load AdSense scripts asynchronously
// OneSignal Initialization
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
// Disqus Configuration
var disqus_config = function() { = window.location.href; // replace with your page’s canonical URL variable = 1559140; // Replace with your page’s unique identifier variable
setTimeout(function() {
var d = document,
s = d.createElement(‘script’);
s.src = ‘’; // Replace with your Disqus shortname
s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
}, 3000);
// Example of asyncLoadScript function – needs actual implementation
function asyncLoadScript(url) {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = url;
script.async = true;
// Example of other scripts to load
const additionalScripts =[[[[
// Add more script URLs as needed
additionalScripts.forEach(scriptUrl => {
// Handle Glomex integration as needed
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {
}, 2000);
// Set timeouts for loading other ads or analytics
setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘’), 800);
### Notes:
1. **Replace Placeholder URLs**: Ensure to replace placeholder URLs with actual script URLs you intend to load.
2. **Check for Scope**: Make sure that functions like `asyncLoadModule` are defined and functioning correctly; the implementation may be similar to `asyncLoadScript`.
3. **Error Handling**: Consider adding error handling for script loading to handle scenarios where scripts fail to load correctly.
By organizing the code this way, it not only enhances readability, but also improves the maintainability of your script loading logic.