Extracurricular Activities: Beware of Overload – News Report

2024-08-30 13:16:34

August 30, 2024

Basketball, table tennis, music theory, violin…the return to school and sports activities is coming. But be careful: Evenings such as Wednesdays or Saturdays should not be devoted entirely to these activities outside of school. For the happiness of the children and the happiness of the family.

« I have noticed that some children have ministerial schedules between sporting, cultural and artistic activities, not to mention possible appointments with psychologists, speech therapists etc. », regrets Laurence Roque-Barret, a psychologist from the Gironde region. And immediately added: ” Let’s stop accumulating activities and overloading our lives ! »

An activity or two!

If the expert recommended at most two extracurricular activities, she recommended only one! Whether it’s sports, musical instruments or whatever,” It must please the child first and not the parents” she added. One way to say it is that it’s not necessarily wise to lead your youngest children into activities that mom or dad has done or wants to do!


The reason for such large moderation is mainly related to two keywords:

game. In his eyes, ” Children who are too active don’t even have time to play because they spend their time on self-rewarding activities. That is, there is no goal other than the pleasure of playing the game, as opposed to competing for example…”. She supported: ” This play time is indispensable. »
boring. Too many activities can also hinder the ability to feel bored. gold” A child who is bored develops his introspective skills, imagination, etc.», continues the psychologist.

Respect the rhythm

Maryse Chrétien, a school teacher and president of the Association of Public Kindergarten Classes (Ageem), agrees and insists on respecting the rhythm of children, especially the youngest ones. An example: ” The beginning of Wednesday afternoon should be spent primarily on napping rather than running after an activity. Because at that time, that was what he needed most! ”. For physical and physical activity practices, before running from the gym to the dojo or elsewhere, she recommends first incorporating these moments into your daily life: ” It can start by walking to school instead of sitting in a stroller or in the arms of mom or dad », she concluded. Or for older kids, ride a bike!

Source: Interview by Laurence Roque-Barret and Maryse Chrétien, August 26, 2024

Screenwriter: David Pickett – Editor: Vincent Roach

#Extracurricular #Activities #Beware #Overload #News #Report



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