Expulsion of Indian Student Over Non-Vegetarian Food Ignites Heated Debate on Dietary Rights

In India, Muslim citizens and students are still treated with hatred by Hindus.

As recently happened when a school principal in India expelled a Muslim student for bringing meat instead of vegetables for lunch. The video of the said principal is also going viral on social media.

According to Indian media, the principal had an argument with the parents when their 7-year-old Muslim child brought non-vegetarian food to school. The incident took place at Hilton Public School in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh. The principal was so angry with the child’s behavior that he suspended the child from school.

In the video, the student’s mother can be heard arguing with the principal, claiming that her child did not put non-vegetarian food in his tiffin.

The principal, during a discussion with the child’s parents, said that the school does not want to teach students who bring non-vegetarian food to school. The school principal blamed the Muslims and said that the Muslim students wanted to destroy Hindu temples. These comments were not only unfair but also promoting harmful stereotypes.

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The principal further alleged that the student often brings non-vegetarian food to school, even though it is prohibited. The principal also falsely accused the student of converting Hindu children.

After the video of the incident went viral on social media, Amroha Police commented on social media and said that the investigation into the matter has been started.

#India #Principal #expels #Muslim #student #school #bringing #nonveg #food #Life #Style
2024-09-10 11:29:41

Religion in India

Discrimination Against Muslim Citizens and Students in⁢ India: ⁤A Growing Concern

In recent years, India has witnessed a surge in discrimination against its ​Muslim population, with students being no exception. A recent incident at Hilton Public School ‍in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, has brought to light‌ the deep-seated prejudices that exist ‌in​ the country. A 7-year-old Muslim student was expelled from⁣ school for bringing non-vegetarian food to school, sparking outrage and concern over the growing intolerance towards Muslims​ in India.

The incident, which ⁣was captured on video, shows the school principal‌ arguing with the student’s parents, claiming that the school does not want to​ teach students who bring non-vegetarian food to school.⁤ The principal’s comments were not only unfair but also promoted harmful stereotypes, blaming Muslim students for wanting to destroy Hindu temples.‌ This is not an isolated ‍incident, but rather a symptom of a larger⁣ problem of discrimination and marginalization ​of Muslims in India.

Citizenship Law and Discrimination

The Indian government’s recent enactment of a divisive ⁣citizenship law has been widely criticized for discriminating against Muslims [[1]]. The law, which was passed in​ 2020, has been accused of promoting a Hindu nationalist agenda,⁤ excluding Muslims from the list‌ of religious minorities eligible for citizenship. ⁤This move has been seen as‍ a blatant⁤ attempt to marginalize and disfranchise​ India’s Muslim population.

The law has been ⁢met with widespread protests and criticism from‌ human rights ⁣groups, with many arguing that‍ it is a clear example of ‍discrimination against Muslims. The Indian government’s actions have been seen‌ as a threat to the country’s secular fabric, and have sparked concerns over the safety and ​security of Muslim citizens.

Growing Marginalization of Muslims

According to a report by the ​Council on Foreign Relations, ⁣India’s ⁤Muslims are an increasingly marginalized ‌population [[3]]. The report highlights how the BJP‍ government, led ⁢by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has fostered an atmosphere of discrimination and intolerance towards Muslims.

From lynching and hate crimes to discrimination in education and employment, Muslims​ in India face a range of challenges that threaten their very existence. The​ report argues that the Modi government’s policies have created an environment of fear and anxiety among Muslims, who are increasingly being pushed to the margins of society.

Students and Education

The discrimination against Muslim students is particularly concerning, as it ‍can have long-term⁣ consequences for their education and future prospects. ⁤Muslim students in India already face a⁤ range of challenges, from limited access to quality education to discrimination in ⁣institutions of⁣ higher learning.

The‍ recent incident at Hilton Public School is ​a stark ‌reminder ⁤of the biases and ‌prejudices that exist ⁢in the ⁢education system. It is not⁢ only the⁣ school principal’s comments that are concerning but also⁢ the fact that a child was expelled from school for ‍bringing non-vegetarian food. This incident highlights the need for greater awareness and​ sensitivity towards Muslim students, ⁤and the ⁢importance⁣ of creating inclusive and ⁣welcoming environments in schools.


The discrimination against Muslim citizens and students in India is⁣ a growing concern that needs to be‌ addressed urgently. The Indian government must⁤ take concrete steps ⁤to address⁣ the biases and prejudices that exist in society, and work towards creating a more inclusive and tolerant nation.

The recent incident at Hilton Public School is ​a wake-up ⁣call for all of us, highlighting the need for⁣ greater awareness and sensitivity towards Muslim ⁢students. ⁢It is time for‍ us to come together and demand an end to discrimination and ‌hate, and to work towards‌ creating ⁣a more equitable and just⁢ society for ‌all.





SEO Keywords: Discrimination against Muslims, India, Hindu nationalism, Citizenship law, Education, Muslim students, Inclusion,⁤ Tolerance.

Future of Muslims in India

Discrimination Against Muslim Citizens and Students in India: A Growing Concern

In recent years, India has witnessed a surge in discrimination against its Muslim population, with students being no exception. A recent incident at Hilton Public School in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, has brought to light the deep-seated prejudices that exist in the country. A 7-year-old Muslim student was expelled from school for bringing non-vegetarian food to school, sparking outrage and concern over the growing intolerance towards Muslims in India.

Citizenship Law and Discrimination

The Indian government’s recent enactment of a divisive citizenship law has been widely criticized for discriminating against Muslims [[1]]. The law, which was passed in 2020, has been accused of promoting a Hindu nationalist agenda, excluding Muslims from the list of religious minorities eligible for citizenship. This move has been seen as a blatant attempt to marginalize and disfranchise India’s Muslim population.

The law has been met with widespread protests and criticism from human rights groups, with many arguing that it is a clear example of discrimination against Muslims. The Indian government’s actions have been seen as a threat to the country’s secular fabric, and have sparked concerns over the safety and security of Muslim citizens.




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