Exposing the Veil: The Untold Story of His Covert Extortion

There is a bit of everything. The trips, the staff, the now famous decree, but (perhaps) above all the chats, conversations on the phone between a minister and his colleagues. And a direct reference, from woman to woman, to the Prime Minister, because it is to Giorgia Meloni that Maria Rosaria Boccia, in her interview with La Stampa, refers when she says that “whoever refers to the values ​​of being a woman has the right and duty to defend their dignity as the other person did when she ended a deep relationship through a post on social media, after her partner had violated a feeling of love”. “I wonder why I am treated with arrogance, pointed out without a name and surname. Sexist behavior must always be denounced, as she did – she insists – also using social media because a woman must protect her dignity regardless of the role she holds”. “You cannot claim the dignity of a woman, offended in her feelings, at alternating stages. Furthermore, you cannot call yourself a Christian without practicing forgiveness. I simply defend myself from sexist behavior”, claims the Campania entrepreneur.

“Sangiuliano under blackmail”. Boccia accuses “another woman”. Who is behind the pink coup

Boccia goes back to when he met Sangiuliano, to the events of the decree of consultancy, “free” he is keen to underline, then skipped. And on the chats. Here Boccia confirms “that the minister is a bit confused. Because the day before he said that in our chats there could only be nice, non-compromising photos and a few hearts or some cute emoticons. But – he then notes – it’s one thing to say what he said the day before, that is, that there are mild chats, another to say that there are chats with a person with whom you are in a relationship”. “With a person with whom I am in a relationship – Boccia gets to the point – I don’t just exchange innocent photos and emoticons. We talk about our daily personal life. If anything – he throws out there – I can also exchange a few spicier messages”.

The Democratic Party rants about Sangiuliano. But it was silent about the nomination of Emiliano's partner

But we also return to the shadow of blackmail, magnified by the bouncing around the media of videos published on social media and those that could be, perhaps together with audio of conversations. Even between government officials. “I listened to conversations and read messages from people who in my opinion blackmailed the minister,” Boccia says in the interview with La Stampa. Who they are “he should always say. I can say that there are directors of weeklies.” To those who ask her if Minister Sangiuliano is therefore being blackmailed, she replies “in my opinion, yes.” “I simply have documents to certify – she explains – the truth of a woman who otherwise would not have been believed.” Confidential documents? “I have the documents that the minister’s secretariat and cabinet provided me.” At this point a more delicate question comes up, when the interviewer asks if there are files involving other politicians, ministers, Prime Minister Meloni. “I – is the dry answer – was in close contact with the minister. So I listened to phone calls and read messages.” There is also room for a, who knows how feasible, way to resolve the matter, at least as regards the relationship with Gennaro Sangiuliano: “I am always open to good people. So if he regrets the lies he told and apologizes to me with the same means he used to make me pass for someone I am not, I will certainly forgive him”. “I am a Christian person who – assures Maria Rosaria Boccia – believes in values”.

Furthermore, palace rumors speak of a heated rivalry in the Roman College. If there is a woman, they say in those latitudes, who has never loved the 41-year-old from Pompeii, it is Narda Frisoni, the minister’s secretary chief, the same manager who allegedly sent her the famous tickets that caused such a stir because they were paid for by the State. This is why more than one person would have had a doubt: was it the minister who ordered the sending of that email with the boarding passes or was it a more complex plan by someone who, knowing about the infatuation, wanted to exploit it for ulterior motives? It is not in the interest of any right-hand man to torpedo the boss, but it is clear that in this whole affair there is something that has not emerged. There could be many hypotheses: a war between women, revenge, unrequited love and so on and so forth. All the ingredients of a pink coup.

#listened #phone #calls #read #messages #blackmailing #Tempo
2024-09-08 04:41:53

What were the main accusations made⁤ by Maria Rosaria ​Boccia against Gennaro Sangiuliano in their affair scandal?

Sangiuliano-Boccia Affair: ​A Web of Scandal, ‌Blackmail, and⁢ Political​ Intrigue

The ⁤Italian political scene has been​ rocked by a scandalous affair involving Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano and entrepreneur Maria Rosaria Boccia. The ⁣controversy has sparked a ⁣heated debate about sexism, blackmail, and political rivalry, with ⁤Prime‍ Minister Giorgia‌ Meloni​ also drawn into the ‌fray.

The Scandal Unfolds

The⁣ saga began with Boccia’s‌ interview with La ‍Stampa, in ‍which ⁢she​ accused Sangiuliano ‌of lying about their relationship and exploiting her⁣ for personal⁣ gain [[1]]. Boccia claimed that Sangiuliano had sent her ⁢compromising messages and photos, which ‍she had evidence of, and‍ that ⁤their relationship ⁣was more ⁤than just a‌ casual acquaintance.⁢ She also accused the‌ minister

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Maria Rosaria Boccia: A Woman of Strength and Conviction

In recent news, Maria Rosaria Boccia, a Campania entrepreneur, has been making headlines with her bold statements and strong convictions. From her Instagram posts to her exclusive interviews, Boccia has been unapologetically speaking her mind, and the internet is taking notice.

A Response to Giorgia Meloni

In a recent Instagram post, Boccia responded to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s comments, saying that “whoever refers to the values ​​of being a woman has the right and duty to defend their dignity” [[3]]. Boccia is not afraid to call out sexist behavior and is vocal about the importance of women defending their dignity, regardless of their role.

The Sangiuliano Saga

Boccia’s name has been linked to the recent resignation of Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, and she has been speaking out about their interactions. In an interview with La Stampa, Boccia referred to the chats between her and Sangiuliano, saying that they were not just innocent conversations, but rather exchanges about their daily personal lives [[2]]. Boccia has also accused Sangiuliano of being “a bit confused” about the nature of their chats.

A Woman of Culture and Exchange

Boccia is not just a vocal advocate for women’s rights; she is also a patron of cultural exchange. In a recent Instagram post, she shared her thoughts on the importance of cultural exchange between Italy and Tunisia, highlighting the beauty of diversity and the richness of different cultures [[1]].

A Strong Presence in the Media

Boccia’s presence in the media is undeniable. From her interviews with La Stampa to her social media posts, she is unafraid to speak her mind and share her opinions. Her conviction and strength are inspiring, and her determination to defend her dignity and the dignity of women everywhere is a beacon of hope.

Maria Rosaria Boccia is a woman of conviction, strength, and culture. Her bold statements and unapologetic attitude are making waves in the media and inspiring others to speak their minds. Whether it’s defending women’s rights or promoting cultural exchange, Boccia is a true champion of progress and positivity.



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