Exposing the Facts: KPK Oversight Committee Takes Action on Nurul Ghufron’s Ethical Violations

<img class="zoomable" src="https://mediaindonesia.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=800,quality=80,format=webp/https://asset.mediaindonesia.com/news/2024/09/06/1725609950_038391a3a0a2250d7a03.jpg" alt="KPK Supervisory Board Reveals Facts About Nurul Ghufron‘s Ethical Violations “/>

Ethics hearing against Nurul Ghufron at the KPK Supervisory Board Office, South Jakarta, Friday (6/9/2024).(Medcom/Candra)

THE Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Dewas KPK) revealed the facts of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) employee mutation process that was interfered with by KPK Commissioner Nurul Ghufron. The former Secretary General of Kementan admitted that he was reluctant to reject the request after being contacted by the boss at the anti-corruption agency.

“In the trial, witness Kasdi Subagyono explained the reason for giving approval for the transfer of witness Andi Dwi Mandasari even though it had been rejected, because witness Kasdi Subagyono felt reluctant towards the person being examined (Ghufron),” said Ethics Council member Syamsuddin Haris at the KPK Supervisory Board Office, South Jakarta, Friday (6/9/2024).

Syamsuddin explained that Ghufron’s position at the KPK meant that Kasdi could not reject the request for a transfer from Ghufron’s relative. The transfer was also accepted because there were whispers that the Ministry of Agriculture was being targeted by the KPK.

“At that time, officials at the Ministry of Agriculture were worried because there was information that the Corruption Eradication Committee was handling a case at the Ministry of Agriculture,” said Syamsuddin.

The Kementan employee transfer process was processed within two weeks after Ghufron contacted Kasdi. The work transfer decision letter is proof.

The Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) rejected Nurul Ghufron’s lawsuit regarding the ethics trial at the KPK Supervisory Board. The verdict was read on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

“Declaring the plaintiff’s lawsuit inadmissible,” wrote the Jakarta PTUN case tracking information system (SIPP), Tuesday (3/9/2024).

Ghufron was charged with legal costs in the lawsuit. The value reached Rp442,000. (Can/P-3)

#KPK #Supervisory #Board #Reveals #Facts #Nurul #Ghufrons #Ethical #Violations

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) questions ⁤related to the topic of Nurul Ghufron’s ethical violations as revealed ⁢by the KPK Supervisory Board:

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized​ article on the topic ⁣of the KPK Supervisory Board revealing facts about Nurul Ghufron’s‌ ethical violations in the Ministry of Agriculture ⁤employee mutation process:

Title: Uncovering‌ the Truth: ​KPK Supervisory Board Reveals Facts About Nurul Ghufron’s Ethical Violations in Ministry ‍of Agriculture Employee Mutation Process


The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Supervisory Board has recently revealed shocking facts about Nurul Ghufron’s ethical violations in the Ministry of Agriculture employee mutation process. The former Secretary General of the​ Ministry of Agriculture admitted to being reluctant to reject the​ request for a transfer of an employee, Andi Dwi‌ Mandasari, due to pressure from Ghufron, a KPK ‌Commissioner. ​In this article, we will delve into the details of the case and explore the implications of such actions ⁣on the integrity of the ​institution.

The Facts of the⁤ Case:

According to the trial⁤ testimony, witness Kasdi Subagyono explained ⁤that he approved the transfer of Andi Dwi Mandasari despite initially ‍rejecting ⁤it due⁣ to Ghufron’s influence. As⁣ a KPK Commissioner, Ghufron’s position of power made it difficult for Kasdi to reject the request. Additionally, the⁤ Ministry⁤ of Agriculture⁣ was worried about being targeted by the ​KPK, which further contributed‌ to the approval of the transfer.

Ethical Implications:

The revelations of Ghufron’s ethical violations‍ raise serious⁤ concerns about the integrity of the institution and the individuals involved. The KPK, an anti-corruption agency, is expected ⁢to uphold the highest standards of ethics and conduct. The fact that a Commissioner‌ was able to influence‍ the decision-making process of a government ministry undermines ⁤the trust in the institution and the individuals involved.

The Importance‌ of Accountability:

This case highlights​ the importance ⁣of accountability and transparency⁣ in government⁣ institutions. ‌It is crucial that ⁢individuals in positions of power are held‍ accountable for their actions and that⁤ institutions have⁢ mechanisms in place ⁢to prevent such abuses of power.


The KPK Supervisory Board’s ⁤revelation of‌ facts about Nurul Ghufron’s ethical ‍violations is a critical step towards ensuring accountability and transparency in government institutions. It is essential that we continue‌ to monitor and report on ‌such cases to maintain the integrity of‍ our institutions and the individuals ​involved.

Optimized Elements:

Keyword usage: ⁤KPK, Nurul Ghufron, Ministry of Agriculture, ⁢ethical violations, Corruption Eradication Commission, accountability, transparency.

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By following these SEO best practices, this article is optimized for search engines and provides a comprehensive and informative analysis of the KPK Supervisory Board’s revelation of facts about Nurul Ghufron’s ethical violations⁢ in the Ministry of Agriculture employee mutation process.

What specific ethical violations did Nurul Ghufron commit during the employee mutation process at the Ministry of Agriculture?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the KPK Supervisory Board revealing facts about Nurul Ghufron’s ethical violations in the Ministry of Agriculture employee mutation process:

Title: Uncovering the Truth: KPK Supervisory Board Reveals Facts About Nurul Ghufron’s Ethical Violations in Ministry of Agriculture Employee Mutation Process


The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Supervisory Board has recently revealed shocking facts about Nurul Ghufron’s ethical violations in the Ministry of Agriculture employee mutation process. The former Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture admitted to being reluctant to reject the request for a transfer of an employee, Andi Dwi Mand



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