LSales of phosphates and derivatives almost doubled to reach more than 36.14 billion dirhams (MMDH) for the first four months of 2022 once morest 18.19 billion dirhams at the end of April 2021, according to the Foreign Exchange Office.
This change is mainly due to the increase in sales of natural and chemical fertilizers (+13.74 billion dirhams) due to the price effect which more than doubled (7541 dirhams/ton at the end of April 2022), indicated the Office in its recent note on the monthly indicators of foreign trade. On the other hand, the quantities exported fell by 5.1%, notes the same source.
The Foreign Exchange Office also reports an increase in exports of the agricultural and agri-food sector by 15.4% to 32.8 billion dirhams, following the simultaneous increase in sales of the food industry (+26.5%). and agriculture, forestry and hunting (+7%).
As a reminder, exports of goods amounted to 139 billion dirhams once morest 103.6 billion dirhams a year earlier, representing a growth of 34.2%. This increase concerns the majority of sectors, mainly phosphates and derivatives, the agriculture and agri-food sector, the textile and leather sector and the automobile sector.
(with map)