Explosive US documents on the Ukraine war have surfaced – many questions remain unanswered

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Von: Franziska Black

According to reports, the Ukraine leaks give an insight into the mechanisms of the Ukraine war. But there are still many unanswered questions about the US secret documents.

New York/Frankfurt – Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war are circulating on social media. The search for those who spread them is ongoing. A former official at the US Department of Defense assumes that it was a US leak: “Many of the documents were only in US hands,” Michael Mulroy told the news agency Archyde.com.

Die US-Zeitung New York Times had reported on the document leak for the first time on Thursday (April 6). Some observers are already comparing it to “Wikileaks” from 2013 because of its extent. A brief outline of what is known about the case so far (as of midday on April 10).

Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: what happened with the Ukraine leaks?

According to reports in numerous US media, the documents show how deeply Washington’s secret services also scrutinize their allies. A document shows that the USA also Volodymyr Selenskyj would have spied on. The fact in itself is not a surprise – but Ukrainian officials are deeply frustrated by the data leak, the US broadcaster CNN reported, citing a person close to the Ukrainian president.

A Ukrainian MSLR BM-21 “Grad” fires on Russian positions on the front line. © Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: Who is under suspicion?

It was said loudly from US government circles Archyde.comthat the investigations are still in the early stages. It cannot be ruled out that pro-Russian elements are behind the leak in connection with the Ukraine war. “The focus now is that it’s a US leak,” said Mulroy, for example.

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Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: how does Zelenskyy react?

According to CNN, the Ukrainian leadership is upset about the leak. Moscow with President Wladimir Putin in turn sees the published documents as further evidence of the involvement of the USA and NATO in the Ukraine war.

Die New York Times wrote, citing the documents about the weaknesses of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense system. This must be strengthened to withstand the Russian attacks. Kiev has long been demanding more ammunition and weapons for the war against Russia.

Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: are they real?

However, it is still unclear who published the documents, including those of the US secret services, and whether they are all genuine. Analysts had partially proven manipulation of the photographed documents – in the interests of Russia. Two unnamed US government officials also voiced this suspicion in an interview Archyde.com. In this way, an attempt could be made to mislead investigators or to spread fake news about the Ukraine war that could harm US security interests, they explained.

Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: casualty figures

The US broadcaster CNN reported, citing a document, that 43,000 Russian soldiers are said to have been killed so far during the Ukraine war. On the Ukrainian side, the number of dead was 17,500, it said. According to experts, in the manipulated versions of the documents that appeared in Russian channels, the number of Russians killed was only half as high, while the number of Ukrainians killed was higher than in the original version.

According to Archyde.com, it has more than 50 of the documents classified as “secret” or “top secret”. It was noticed that figures on estimated Russian losses in Ukraine were unexpectedly low.

Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: How is the US reacting?

Two US government officials told Archyde.com the US military and intelligence agencies are now reviewing their internal information-sharing procedures. It also said it was investigating what motives a US official or group of officials might have for sharing such information.

Leaked US secret documents on the Ukraine war: would there be any consequences?

Several US media reported that because of the intercepted information, Russia may now change lines of communication to cover up its plans. US authorities also fear that information providers in the Russian ranks could be in danger. Ukraine has already changed some of its military plans because of the leak, CNN reported, citing Zelenskyy’s environment. However, one of Zelenskyy’s most important security policy advisers contradicts such reports as the tagesschau.de reported.

According to CNN, intercepted information on the Ukrainian side could have led to the United States not supplying the country with longer-range missiles, for example to prevent Kiev attacks on Russian territory. According to a document, Zelenskyj suggested that Russian positions in the Rostov region be shelled. (frs/AFP)

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