explosions heard in Kyiv during visit of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

Ten Russian soldiers indicted for alleged crimes in Boutcha

These are the first indictments announced by Ukraine for alleged crimes committed in Boutcha. “Ten soldiers of the 64e Russian motorized rifle brigade, belonging to the 35e Russian military, have been indicted in connection with the cruel treatment of civilians and other violations of the laws and customs of war”writes the prosecutor in a communiqué accompanied by photos of the soldiers involved.

According to the investigation, the Russian military, during their occupation of Boutcha in March, “taken hostage civilians who were not taking part in hostilities and were unarmed. The occupants gave them neither food nor drink”detailed the prosecutor. “The suspects made them kneel down, blindfolded them with fabric and sticker paper, bound their hands with plastic ties, and threatened to kill them by deliberately shooting in their direction”he continued.

“To obtain information on the whereabouts of Ukrainian soldiers, and in one case without justification, the Russian military inflicted injuries on civilians. They received punches, butts to the legs, toes and torso. The occupiers also looted the local population, seizing their personal belongings and household equipment.he listed.

This indictment is the first since the bodies of people wearing civilian clothes were discovered lying in a street in Boutcha on April 2, prompting condemnation and general outrage. Ukrainians accused Russians of war crimes, but Moscow denied responsibility and spoke of bodies “staged” by Kyiv.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called on Moscow to cooperate on possible war crimes. “When we see this horrific site, I see how important it is to have a full investigation and establish accountability”said, from Boutcha, Mr. Guterres. “I call on Russia to agree to cooperate with the [Cour pénale internationale] », he added. And the UN has documented the “murders, including some by summary execution”, of 50 civilians, after a mission in the city on 9 April. In Borodianka, another commune near kyiv, Mr. Guterres called the war a“absurdity in the XXIe century “in front of houses in ruins.

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Read also: War in Ukraine: in Boutcha, the plunge into hell of Ivana-Franka Street

Read also: In Ukraine, the Prosecutor General tracks down war crimes “24 hours a day”

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