Explosion in the Vineyards: They are looking for two more for the terrorist puzzle of Arkadiou

Explosion in the Vineyards: They are looking for two more for the terrorist puzzle of Arkadiou

As part of the investigations, the officers of the Anti-Terrorist Service are looking into whether the members of the “Arcadia group” are connected to the bombing of the terrorist brand “Revolutionary Class Self-Defense”, at the Ministry of Labor in Stadiou Street last February and the failed operation at the MAT headquarters in Goudi on December 18, 2023, by “Armed Proletarian Justice”.

“They tried to do something new. A beginning in neo-terrorism. A revival of domestic terrorism”, say sources of the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the Police, referring to the “plans” of the “Arcadia group”. Counter-Terrorist Service officials are looking into the strong possibility that behind the apartment’s occupants are hidden “satellites” of the neo-terrorist with a clean criminal record, who have been recruited to carry out under a different name the orders from the “directorate” of the experienced guides. In this context, it will be examined whether any of the fingerprints found in the apartment on Arkadias Street are identical to the “orphan” fingerprint from the improvised explosive device, which was identified in the failed attack on the MAT headquarters.

It is worth noting that in addition to the five regular guests, other people also visited the apartment. Police are gathering video footage from the area, which will show the arrival of the man and the 32-year-old injured woman before the explosion, as well as other visual footage showing suspicious movements before and after the incident.

Two identifications

Attacks, incidents and an arrest for the occupation of the Rector’s Office of the University of Athens in 2015, includes the “biography” of the 32-year-old woman, who is being treated for injuries at Evangelismos Hospital. The police were able to identify her directly from her fingerprints and found that she had dozens of arrests on her “asset” from 2010 until today.

The injured woman was previously in a relationship with a man who had been charged and served prison time for membership of at least 2 terrorist organizations, and was released from prison last January. The police officers, examining the possibility that he was the dead man of the explosion, took DNA samples from the body of the man that was recovered from the rubble, in order to compare them with those of the specific accused that were in the EL.AS data bank, but no identification was found . At the moment, the dead person is classified as… “uncharted” for the Anti-Terrorist Service, as there is no identification of his fingerprints with the database of marked individuals, nor with “orphan” fingerprints that have been found on findings of terrorist acts.

Known to the Authorities, she is also the second woman who seems to have been present in the apartment on Arkadia Street, who is being sought. This is a 30-year-old woman with arrests in the context of attacks and incidents of people in the anti-authoritarian space. As the owner told the police, he had given the apartment to his son, who is in the Netherlands, and he had given it to the 30-year-old woman. The police have contacted the son of the owner, who confirmed to them that he had given the keys to the 30-year-old, but without, as he said, knowing who goes in and out there. He does not seem to be marked in our country for any crime. He studied in Greece but lives permanently in the Netherlands.

The Anti-Terrorist Staff officers believe that the apartment was a stopover, before a bombing attack in a short period of time. They estimate that someone took a “ready bomb” with a large amount of explosive material and took it to the last site before the bomb event.

TEEM officials found that the explosion occurred in the living room area. They speculate that the dead man was either working on the wiring and final preparations of the explosive device or was curious about something that caused the powerful explosion. A “perfect explosion” was noted, as they describe it, meaning that no parts of the wiring, such as a clock, detonators, batteries or cables, have been found.


“The apartment was not a yafka,” police sources emphasize, noting that the place was probably an intermediate station or a final base before a planned “strike”. The TEAM team that performed an autopsy finds that there was a “perfect explosion”, probably from a large amount of dynamite. The assessment of the Authorities is that the tenants had in their possession a “ready” bomb to be placed and were proceeding with the final preparations when the accident occurred.

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#Explosion #Vineyards #terrorist #puzzle #Arkadiou

OneSignal documentation

It ⁢seems like you’ve pasted a piece of JavaScript code that handles the loading and ⁢management of advertisements using various services such as Google AdSense,⁢ OneSignal, Disqus,‌ and potentially others like Taboola, Glomex,⁣ and Vidoomy. However, the ​code is incomplete, with many ‍sections reserved for asynchronous loading scripts, but‍ they contain placeholder​ comments​ or empty strings.

To make this code meaningful and ensure it​ functions correctly, you would‍ need to fill ⁤in the‌ following aspects:

1.‌ **Async Script Loading**: ⁢The `asyncLoadScript()`⁣ function should be defined⁤ somewhere in your code. It ought to handle the‍ loading of scripts⁢ asynchronously, ⁣given⁣ a URL as an argument.

2. **Script URLs**: You’ll need to fill in ⁢the ⁢placeholder URLs for the ‌different advertising/script services, replacing the⁤ empty quotes.

3. **Ad Units**: For services like AdSense ⁤and Phaistos Adman, valid ad unit IDs ⁢and configuration settings should be provided.

4. ⁢**Error Handling**: ⁣Consider⁣ adding ⁤error handling to gracefully manage situations where ‍the scripts fail to load.

Here’s​ a brief template to complete the anonymous‌ functions‌ and placeholders​ so that ‍the‌ implementation reflects intended functionality:


function asyncLoadScript(url) {

‌ var script‍ = document.createElement(‘script’);

⁢ script.src = ⁣url;

⁤ script.async = true;

‍ script.onload = function() {

⁣console.log(url + ‘⁤ loaded successfully.’);

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script.onerror = function()​ {

‍ console.error(‘Error loading script: ‘ + url);


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// Example usage of async script loading for ads

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).length > 0)⁣ {



// ⁢Example for⁣ Phaistos ​Adman


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⁢ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,



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⁣ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁣ (d.head ||⁣ d.body).appendChild(s);

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// ​Additional conditions ‍for other ad services…


Make sure ‍to replace the ‌placeholder URLs​ with the actual script URLs you⁣ intend to use. Each ‍ad service often has specific requirements or configuration options that⁣ you must adhere to in order to correctly display ads.

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