Explosion in Arvida: SQ confirms that explosives were used

Due to the force of the blast, the Sûreté du Québec wanted to make sure that the building on Dubose Street was safe and that there was no risk of it collapsing on people who had to enter it.

The investigation continues today in hopes of learning more about what caused the tragedy. The police confirm that explosives were used and that it is not the explosion of a household appliance. Usually, with the projections, the specialists are able to make a head rather quickly., explains Hugues Beaulieu, the spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec.

A security perimeter was established around the house on Monday.

Photo: Radio-Canada

Members of the Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine Laboratory are continuing their analysis on site. Tuesday morning, they surveyed the stage and took out equipment from the residence, such as a couch.

Investigators must also meet with all those directly or indirectly involved in this case to shed light on the events. The SQ warns that the investigation may be long.

In addition, the City of Saguenay offered a psychological support service to the first responders who intervened on the scene Monday.

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