Explosion in Ampelokipi: The 31-year-old is under investigation

Explosion in Ampelokipi: The 31-year-old is under investigation

The defendant is invited with the apology that he will give to the judicial officer to give his own version of the indictment drawn up against him and it concerns four charges related to the formation and membership of a terrorist group and terrorist acts.

In front of the judicial officer, the 31-year-old is expected to state his complete denial of the charges and repeat what he appears to have claimed on Friday night in Anti-Terrorism, where he appeared to explain his involvement with the apartment in which he accidentally exploded in his hands 36-year-old dead man, the bomb causing his instant death and the serious injury of his 32-year-old partner.

On Tuesday morning (5/11) the 30-year-old woman who was arrested also arrived at the prosecutor’s office.

Explosion in the Vineyards: A footprint will connect… Arcadia with Goudi?

A fingerprint will confirm the connection of the protagonists of the “Arcadia group” with the failed bombing attack on the MAT headquarters in Goudi, as Anti-Terrorist Service officials point out.

Such an important laboratory identification may come, according to the relevant officers, from the comparison of the prints of the 36-year-old deceased from the explosionwith the “orphan” print found on the deactivated “Armed Proletarian Justice” bomb in Goudi, which contained a large amount of gelatin dynamite and C4 inside two taps.

At noon on Monday, the Anti-Terrorist Service officers arrested at the “Eleftherios Venizelos” airport the 30-year-old accused tenant of the apartment on Arkadias Street, who had left Greece two days before the explosion. An international arrest warrant was pending against her. The 30-year-old “key holder”, to whom the owner’s son had given the apartment, had informed the authorities through lawyers that she would voluntarily return from Switzerland in order to surrender. She remained silent during her arrest, asking to speak to her lawyers.

Through… Germany

The 36-year-old was the manufacturer of the bomb that exploded in his hands and would be placed immediately, on Thursday, at a target they had chosen near the area of ​​Ampelokipi. Given this fact, in the event that there is a connection with Goudi, the police do not rule out that he was the one who had also manufactured that bomb. His identity became known through… Germany. The officers of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations were able to extract only a palm print from the body of the dead man among the debris. The EUROPOL data bank was “hit” by this, as in 2021 the 36-year-old was arrested together with his 33-year-old partner, who was injured in the explosion in Ampelokipi, the 30-year-old locksmith and the son of the apartment owner, in Berlin, Germany, outside the Greek Consulate in the context of protest and support for the hunger strike, condemned member of “November 17”, Dimitris Koufontina.

Counter-Terrorism officials have submitted a request to German authorities to hand over the individual fingerprints they took from the 36-year-old three years ago.

Handwritten notes

From at least five handwritten blueprints for the construction of a bomb, which were made public yesterday by the Greek Police, it is found that these are notes for the completion of an electrical circuit that can detonate a clockwork explosive mechanism. Physical, chemical and mathematical formulas and laws for the change of electric charge, voltage and energy are depicted. Details are given on how to avoid shorting even good conductors like copper, aluminum, silver, silicon, but also insulators like paper and glass.

Officers say such information can be gleaned from the Internet, but the information appears to be from a person with knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering. They point out that the 36-year-old had studied at the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras. Some of the blueprints have the feeling that someone is putting them down on paper, receiving instructions from someone else who is telling them. It is possible that at a later stage of the investigation, the police officers will examine the handwriting of at least five people involved in the Ampelokipi case, in order to determine who made these blueprints.

These notes were found in an apartment on Skylitsi Street in Exarchia, where the 36-year-old deceased and the 33-year-old injured lived.

Silicone hands, boards, and wires

In the same apartment, several materials that can be used in the construction of a bomb such as electronic boards, coils, cables and nozzles were found. Also found were at least four full face masks of elderly people. Also impressive are the silicone “hands”, which are worn like gloves in order not to leave fingerprints and genetic material. One pair was male and the other female. The police are investigating if they were used in robberies, in previous terrorist acts, to spy on potential targets, or if they would be used in the act they were planning.

The potential target of the “Arcadia group” remains unknown, with the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department looking for him through the retrieval of data from mobile phones, laptops, usb, sim cards, SD cards, seized in the three house searches of the Authorities . They estimate that from these findings, traces of movement of the suspects in the previous period of time will emerge, which will highlight the sighting of a target, perhaps also other persons and houses.

A parallel investigation is being carried out on the keys found in the apartment on Skylitsi street in Exarchia where the deceased and the injured lived. They are looking for warehouses, garages, apartments where explosives and weapons may be stored, as Arcadia Street was the last area before the bombing. The accused and the suspects of the Arcadia group appear to be talking to each other through online text messaging applications, which can be shown by the investigation of digital evidence.

Chrysochoidis: “They were preparing a monstrous bomb”

The Minister of Citizen Protection, Michalis Chrysochoidis, in his interview with SKAI, said: “I think we are dealing with an effort of young children who aspire to be a third generation of terrorism in Greece. In a time that is completely different, with completely different characteristics, they are trying in exactly the same way, same Modus operandi, but also politically to do the same things and I think this is a failure… If there are others behind it, they will the research has shown, many facts and evidence have been found”.

He noted that it was a “monstrous bomb” being prepared, which was concentrated explosive material, with the exact composition revealed by the laboratories in the coming hours. He also added: “What is certain is that if the bomb exploded, it would cause great destruction and it seems that the action was planned to take place immediately. Terrorism and human activity never ends. We are simply done with very large organizations that created huge problems in the country. Vigilance is needed, constant monitoring of this problem because it is connected to many issues, it is connected to human life first and its protection, it is connected to the stability in the country and the impressions created by such events, it is more generally connected to social peace”.

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#Explosion #Ampelokipi #31yearold #investigation

OneSignal send notification to specific user

It‍ looks like you ⁢are working with JavaScript code that manages various ad integrations on a webpage, including⁢ Google AdSense, OneSignal (for push notifications), Disqus (for comments), and ⁢additional ad services. Based on the provided snippet, here’s⁣ a cleaned-up version that corrects some apparent issues, adds⁤ comments, and structures⁤ it better for readability:


// This‌ function is responsible for‌ loading scripts asynchronously

function asyncLoadScript(url) {

const script = document.createElement(‘script’);

⁣ script.src =​ url;

‍​ script.async⁣ = true;



// Example function⁢ to‍ get ready for ad integration

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‌//‌ Remove Ads for Mobile (if condition is met)

if (/* some condition */) {

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// Load ‌AdSense related scripts if slots are‌ found

⁢ ‌ if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) {

⁣ //​ Example ⁣async script load (url should be properly defined)

‍ // asyncLoadScript(‘AD_SENSE_SCRIPT_URL’);

​ adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e){

⁤ // Optionally, perform actions for each ad slot

⁣ ‌ });


// OneSignal for Push Notifications

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred​ || ⁣ [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


⁣ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

‍ });

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// Disqus Configuration

var disqus_config = ⁣function() ⁤{

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‍ // Load Disqus asynchronously


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‍ ⁤(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

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‌ // Callbacks ⁢upon ​a hypothetical completion of ​an​ action

‌ ⁤function ‌cmpActionCompleted()​ {

‍ // Load various ad integration ‍scripts as ‍needed

⁣ //​ Taboola / Project ​Agora example

⁣ ⁤// asyncLoadScript(‘TABOOLA_SCRIPT_URL’);

⁢ ⁢// For⁢ Google AdSense

⁢⁣ if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

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‍ ‍ // Glomex Integration

‌ ‍ if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

⁢ ⁤ setTimeout(function(){

‍ // asyncLoadModule(‘GLOMEX_SCRIPT_URL’);

⁣ ‍ ⁤ }, 2000);

‌ ‍ }

// Dalecta

‌⁣ ⁢ ⁤ setTimeout(() => {

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}, 800);

‍ ‍ // Vidoomy

​ ⁢ // asyncLoadScript(‘VIDOOMY_SCRIPT_URL’);

⁤ }

// Call the function ⁣when necessary or at the end of your​ script setup



// Initialize ads when ‌the document ​is ready

document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, initAds);


### Key Changes and Improvements:

1. **Function Definitions**: Wrapped repeated ‌logic into functions ​(like `asyncLoadScript` and‍ `initAds`)‌ to enhance ⁣reusability and ‍readability.

2. **Comments**: Added comments for clarity on what each block of code does,‍ which helps ​future developers (or⁣ yourself) ⁤understand⁢ the⁢ logic more quickly.

3. **Variable Naming**: Ensured consistent naming and context for items being manipulated (e.g.,‌ referring⁢ to ​these ads/slots as⁤ `adSenseSlots`).

4. **Error Handling & Dynamic Data**: You may need to handle errors or ensure⁤ valid ⁢URLs are provided for scripts or modules depending on‌ the‌ context.

This structured approach will help maintain clarity,⁤ simplify troubleshooting,⁤ and facilitate future updates or changes to the ad integrations.

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