Explosion at Russia’s Saratov air base housing bombers…

6:30 am: For Dupont-Aignan, it is necessary to “calm Zelensky”

Former sovereigntist presidential candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan said on Sunday that it was time to “make peace” between Ukraine and Russia and to “calm Zelensky”, the Ukrainian president. “I think that today the fight is drifting,” said the president of the Debout la France party on the set of the Grand rendez-vous (Europe 1 / Les Echos / Cnews).

“La France de gaullienne should distance itself and have a position of arbiter. Because Zelensky’s objective is no longer to defend Ukraine, it is, by sacrificing his people, to be the instrument of the destruction of Russia. And this is a very serious mistake”. Ensuring that in this conflict “the wrongs are much more shared than is said”, the deputy from Essonne affirmed that it was “the time to avoid the suicide of Europe”.

“I do not in any way legitimize Russian aggression,” he nevertheless nuanced. “I’m just saying that today the two forces are running out and Europe is going down with it.”



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