Exploring the St Gommaire Church: History, Restoration, and Flemish Art Treasures

2023-08-15 12:37:54

Construction of St Gommaire Church, named after St Gommaire, patron saint of people with broken bones (physical, but also, for example, relationships), began in 1378, although it was not completed until in the sixteenth century. The church is a striking example of Brabant Gothic and contains one of the most important sets of late medieval Flemish glass painting. The treasury houses one of 69 copies of the Turin shroud, and in 1496 the church hosted the wedding of royal couple Philip the Handsome and Joan of Castile.

The current restoration of St Gummarus’ Church began at the turn of this century, but has stalled several times over the years. In 2020, the Flemish government has (again) committed itself to the project, through a multi-annual grant agreement. For the western part of the church, the Flemish Minister for Real Estate Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) grants a bonus of 2.6 million euros. The facades, roofs and stained glass windows will be renovated, as will the interior.

#monumental #church #begins #phase #restoration

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