2023-07-13 18:24:49
1 Calydial Vienne and Venissieux, France
2 AP-HM, Conception Hospital, Center for Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, Marseille, France
Promoter: Dialysis Commission of the SFNDT (Chairman: Thierry Lobbedez).
Experts and editorial coordinator: Jean-Michel Poux.
Proofreading committee: Thierry Hannedouche, Pascale Siohan, Jean-Paul Imiela, Paul Stroumza.
Correspondence: JM Poux
Biology is defined as the science of life. Blood circulation is an integral part of the body’s “inner fluid environment”, described at the end of the 19th century by Claude Bernard, a fluid environment whose stability guarantees the proper functioning of the various cellular organisms of the human body. The blood is the privileged access in medicine for the exploration of this inner environment. Biological blood tests therefore play a fundamental role in the management of […]
#John #Libbey #Eurotext #Nephrology #Therapeutics