Exploring the Literary Legacy of Latin America: From Neruda to Marquez to Vargas Llosa

2023-11-07 00:16:56

Since the middle of the last century the Latins have cast their spell on world literature. One after another, the descendants of the Spaniards won the Nobel Prize in Literature, one country after another, and one genre after another. Pablo Neruda in the magic of poetry, Gabriel García Márquez in the magic of the novel, and Mario Vargas Llosa in the cynicism of politics.

In the first half of the twentieth century, like the English in Shakespeare’s era, he accompanies all ages without interruption.

The Latins had a mother capital. They all had Madrid, the linguistic and cultural cradle. Spain, Andalusia. And Miguel Cervantes, the author of “Don Quijote,” has the kindest kindness in world literature. The Latin writer, at one stage of his life, had to come to Madrid, his literary capital. Then he eventually returns to the land of birth.

Now Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel) has begun his return journey to Peru, completing six decades of novelistic, critical, and journalistic production, including covering the beginnings of the Iraq war for the newspaper “Le Monde” with his daughter. Llosa has become eighty-eight years old, and his last novel was “I will give you my silence.” He still has a final work on Jean-Paul Sartre.

Llosa lived a lover, a troublemaker, and a hater, his rival and rival, Garcia Marquez. One day the argument between them reached the point that it developed into a boxing match, which, of course, was won by the taller and stronger Peruvian writer. Llosa entered the political arena and fought for the presidency in his country, but he lost. He returned to ink and paper. He fights his wars in them. He left Peru and entered the wider space of Latin America. From the world of leaders, full of drama, he wrote his richest novels. Among them is the “feast,” “celebration,” or “festival” of the goat. The majority of Arab translators adopted “The Goat’s Party” and chose “Festival” for the novel like the others, and I saw it as one of his most beautiful works, along with “The Stepfather,” which is dominated by theatrical character. His other passion.

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His Return is his final novel. Two years before his ninetieth year, he returns to his homeland and his continent to spend his last days, renouncing the citizenship that Spain granted him. While his home country, to which he returns, failed him in 1990 to elect an engineer of Japanese origin. The day the Japanese won the presidency, it was said that he would eliminate corruption in Peru. It doubled, and people feared for Japan.

And Carlos Ghosn. Their teachers were teachers and their students were revered. That is what it was, and this is from this time.

#final #silence

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