2023-08-05 22:00:00
In France, approximately 86,000 people are unaware that they are carriers of HCV. As the Aremedia association reminds us: “Detection is treatment”. Indeed, we now have effective and well-tolerated antiviral treatments (AAD), available in community medicine. As the association reminds us, “MSM [hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes, ndlr] now represent 10% of new HCV infections. In particular, because of potentially traumatic anal sexual practices (contact with blood), but especially so-called hard practices (fisting, pluging). And because of the recent rise of slam, an intravenous variant of Chemsex, practiced by people, mostly CSP+, socially well integrated, who do not identify with “street toxes” [usagers-ères de rue, ndlr] historical, and therefore very far from the culture of risk and damage reduction (RdDR)”. And Aremedia to explain: “As a result, alongside (ex) intravenous drug users, likely to (re)infect themselves regularly (80% of annual contaminations), MSM now most often constitute unknowingly, a “virus reservoir” is emerging. For HCV. On the other hand, we know that people living in precarious situations are three times more exposed to HCV (more than half of the beneficiaries of the screening program “Outside the walls”, carried out each year by the association are in this case). It is in this context, with its “go-towards” program that the association has embarked on a strategy of “micro-elimination” of HCV, striving to provide access to care, without delay – ” Test and Treat” – the beneficiaries of its “Hospital Outside the Walls” program.
#HCV #microelimination #Seronet